Love Potion #9
vehemently reinforced. The lady was a stunner. Dark hair and creamy skin, thick lashes and lips almost as curvy as the rest of her. She was more unabashedly feminine than any woman he had ever seen before.
    And her presence was so tranquil. She simply watched him study her, apparently not in a rush to go anywhere or say anything. Mitch had the definite sense that she’d be perfectly content to lay together here all day.
    A hint of a smile curved her lips and something in those eyes made Mitch’s blood quicken. Her eyes were dark, dark brown, so dark that he couldn’t discern where the iris ended and the pupil began. They were remarkable eyes, even more remarkable than the rest of her, which was really saying something.
    If the eyes were the windows to the soul, this woman’s eyes would open a portal into whole other universe. One of secrets, wisdom, and things a man might not really want to know.
    Before Mitch could wonder how that kind of whimsy had make its way into the relentless logic he usually followed, she tapped a finger in the middle of his chest.
    A twinkle glimmered in the depths of her eyes. “I told you I’d make coming back worth your while,” she murmured, her seductive tone making Mitch’s heart pound again.
    Mitch’s good sense chose that moment to return with a vengeance. His eyes widened as he did the math. He had just had sex with a complete stranger!
    Was he out of his ever-loving mind?
    He was a journalist! He wrote articles about STD’s, he compounded stats about unsafe sex, he had done a series on AIDS. And he, as matter of personal principle, had never ever been casual about intimacy!
    Mitch was on his feet in a flash, his hands shaking as he fought against his unruly zipper.
    She was still watching him, that bemused smile clinging to her ripe lips. Mitch couldn’t even think straight, but he tried to talk his way through it.
    â€œLook, I don’t know what just happened here, but...”
    The woman rolled to one hip and laughed unexpectedly. Her dark wavy hair cascaded over her shoulder, her dress gaped open to reveal the luscious curve of her breasts. She was so at ease with her sensuality, in marked contrast to how uptight Janice had been, that Mitch had to fight his urge to have a good look.
    â€œWhatever it was,” she said, a thread of humor in her voice, “it was very, very good.”
    Her admiration was so open that Mitch felt the back of his neck heat. What was protocol here? A life without casual sex had left Mitch without a script, never mind a marriage with a woman who hated being touched. This woman’s cheerful enjoyment was as puzzling as the situation itself.
    Should Mitch apologize? Should he thank her? Should he try to explain?
    Explain what , exactly? Mitch didn’t like being at a loss for words, but none popped into his mind to save him.
    The woman stretched with leisurely satisfaction, then rolled to her feet. Her red floral dress fluttered around her shapely calves, the bodice draped open as though inviting Mitch to take a look at those creamy breasts.
    She treated Mitch to a sultry smile as she flicked back her impossibly long hair, then she took a step closer. Those eyes smoldered and Mitch knew he was not nearly as immune to the lady as he would have liked to have been.
    This was crazy. He knew nothing about her.
    He was a father, Mitch reminded himself when she sidled closer and his heart began to pound. He was a responsible man. He was a journalist.
    He was an adult .
    â€œWas it worth your while?” she asked softly and Mitch felt a telltale response in his shorts.
    This was not how things should be proceeding! Mitch frowned and tried to look suitably forbidding. He had to steer their conversation back to some rational course.
    But the woman wasn’t paying any attention to his best glower. Mitch stiffened as her fingertips trailed along the neck of his t-shirt. He fought to keep his mind out of the

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