Love in the WINGS

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Book: Read Love in the WINGS for Free Online
Authors: Delia Latham
Tags: Christian fiction
dark hair appeared to have received about the same amount of finger-combed attention she’d given her own.
    She hesitated to ask because she feared the answer. But she had to know.
    “What’s wrong?”
    Corbin reached out and pulled her into his arms as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do. Startled, she stiffened, but only momentarily. Then, relaxing into his embrace, she felt a slight tremble along the length of his frame, and her heart clenched in sudden panic, making it hard to breathe.
    “It’s Mr. Hart, Aria. He’s…he’s gone.”
    “G—gone?” Her heart set up a racing rhythm that made no sense. She pulled back to see his face. “Not…?”
    Nodding, he released her and dropped onto the sofa, looking every bit as dazed and confused as she felt. “Yeah. Passed away. He was working in the flowerbeds with Viv’s friend…Madison? I think that’s her name. She said he just…dropped. A heart attack.”
    Aria’s hand flew to her mouth as she sat next to him and tucked her bare feet underneath her. Choked by tears, she managed a weak response. “Oh, no!”
    Neither of them said anything for a long time. Aria kept hoping she’d wake up and discover she was dreaming. It didn’t happen, so she wandered into the kitchen and set about making a pitcher of sweet tea. “How did you find out?”
    “David called. He and Pia were with Viv at the hospital, and he wasn’t sure if they’d be on time for the evening service. He asked if you and I could get things going if they’re late.”
    She nodded, added ice cubes to a couple of glasses, and then leaned against the counter, feeling weak and drained. “I can’t imagine this place without Mr. Hart.”
    “No one can. David sounded…bad.”
    Aria nodded and clamped her lip between her teeth when tears stung her eyes. “He was so close to his uncle. I wonder if this is part of the know, the warfare thing.”
    Corbin shrugged. “I suppose it could be. It’s bound to make things harder for him. Mr. Hart’s death will give the other side an advantage, because David’ll be more vulnerable while the pain is fresh.”
    “Of course he will.” Aria carried the two glasses of iced tea into the living room and handed one to her guest. “And that means we’ll need to be his strength. Do you remember the story in Exodus, how Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ arms during a battle with the Amalekites?”
    “As long as Moses held the staff up, the Israelites held sway. But if he lowered the staff, the Amalekites gained strength.”
    She nodded. “That’s right. When Moses’ arms became too tired, Aaron and Hur had him sit on a rock and they held up his arms when he couldn’t hold them up himself.”
    She sipped at her tea, and then gave Corbin a weary smile. “While David lacks strength, we have to be strong for him. Remember his message this morning? With Mr. Hart gone and David’s strength compromised, someone’s going to have to stand in the gap and make up the hedge.”
    He met her gaze without flinching. “I’m ready if you are.”
    Aria pulled in a deep breath. “Count me in.”

    Two full weeks had passed since Andrew Hart’s Celebration of Life service, and every day weighed more heavily on Aria’s soul. The battle raged on, making itself evident in little ways that eroded the peace in and around Heart’s Haven and the church—in other words, her entire world.
    Circumstances had thrown her and Corbin together, and they’d worked side by side in complete harmony…standing in the gap and making up the hedge. They’d had to. The battle had already taken a heavy toll on their pastor. Even church members who were not part of WINGS were feeling the pressure—maybe even more than the prayer team members, simply because they were dealing with the effects of the battle without being aware of what was going on.
    Aria found herself actually enjoying Corbin’s company—at least, as much as she could enjoy

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