again before carrying Ariana inside. Anastasia climbed back into the taxi and headed home. She felt her phone vibrate, and pulled it out, finding a text waiting for her from an unknown number. Hey, Anastasia, this is Daniel. Remember me? Haha. I really enjoyed talking to you tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to grab a cup of coffee or something. Perhaps tomorrow? She smiled as she entered his number into her contacts.
She was thinking of what to reply with when another text came. I hope texting you like this isn’t too early. I know some guys say to wait a couple days, but I really like you. I mean. Yeah. Sorry. Anastasia chuckled, for he was being so cute about the whole affair. It was obvious that this wasn’t his strong suit.
She texted back quickly. Tomorrow sounds great, how about noon? And just like that, she had another date. Anastasia smiled to herself all the way home, excited that here was a man who was interested in her, and wanted to take her out on a real, proper date.
Tomorrow was going to be a big day, not only did she have a date but she had to put up all the flyers. Anastasia collapsed onto the bed as she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the wonderful life that was coming.
Anastasia picked out a nice shirt and black trousers for her date. Her hair was freshly washed, her makeup neatly applied and her nail polish reapplied. She was excited for her date, and had brought all the flyers with her in her bag. She headed to the coffee shop, where she was meeting Daniel.
He was already there waiting for her, and was holding two drinks. He was wearing a clean brown sweater, and looked very handsome. “Hi.” His face lit up as he spotted her walking towards him. “You look wonderful.” He handed her a cup of something hot. “I-I don’t really know what you like, but this is a vanilla latte.”
“Oh, thank you, Daniel. You’re so sweet.” She smiled warmly as he pulled out her chair for her, and she sat down gratefully. It had been a while since someone had done something like that for her, and it was nice to know that he really cared. Daniel had that look in his eyes that showed Anastasia that he really did like her, and genuinely wanted to be here with her. He was completely attentive and was interested in everything she said.
Not once did their conversation dull and stop.
As they talked, Anastasia found herself enjoying his company, but for some reason, she didn’t find herself completely attracted to him. She brushed it off as nothing, for it was probably just some emotional block she had put up or something. There was no reason to not find Daniel attractive, with his classic boyish looks and his relaxed personality.
They both left the coffeehouse happy, with hope for future dates. But Anastasia’s thoughts couldn’t linger on Daniel for too long, she had to put up those flyers. They were adorable ones, personally designed by Ariana. They were in the shape of cupcakes, and other various desserts. Anastasia had it all planned out. On their opening day, they would have free drinks, and lowered prices on all the goodies that she would be baking. Unfortunately, she didn’t have enough money in the budget to hire an extra hand, though it would truly be helpful. Ariana had offered to help, which was a godsend.
As the sun began to set, all the flyers had been put up. It had been a long day’s work, and Anastasia felt like she had walked a million miles. Anastasia smiled as she surveyed her work, standing at the end of a long road, staring at the multicolored pieces of paper firmly tacked to various objects. The final thing she had to do was to go home and research new recipes for the contest.
All too soon, as Anastasia hurried around her apartment’s kitchen, trying out new desserts, it was midnight. She still had not found the perfect recipe, and was running out of things to try. She had taste tested so many things that she felt