Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania

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Book: Read Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania for Free Online
Authors: Cerella Sechrist
Tags: Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania
my legs!”
    Sadie inserted her hands in between Kylie’s arms and Jasper’s legs. “Let go now, baby.”
    Kylie released Jasper and promptly held her hands upward. “Lift Kylie! Lift!”
    Jasper hoisted her up, where she promptly tightened her arms around his neck. He choked and Kylie loosened her hold.
    “Kylie wants to pick ice cream now. Jasper promised.”
    “Yes, Jasper did…I mean, I did.” He turned to Dmitri. “It was nice meeting you.”
    Dmitri said the same. As Jasper was toting Kylie away, he gave Sadie a warning expression and mouthed, “Be nice!”
    Deciding to give Jasper’s advice a spin, Sadie gestured to Dmitri’s leg and smiled apologetically. “Sorry about whaling you with my cart.”
    Dmitri smiled. “It’s all right.”
    An awkward silence fell, and Sadie shifted from foot to foot. She noted the Keebler elf grinning smugly and felt the urge to topple him.
    She cleared her throat. “Well…if you’ll excuse me…I need to get some yellow food dye.”
    “For the cake,” he clarified.
    “Yes, the cake.”
    She licked her lips and mentally cast about for some sort of graceful good-bye.
    “It was, uh…nice seeing you.”
    Brilliant .
    If only he didn’t look so self-satisfied. Him and the Keebler elf.
    “So, I’ll…see ya around.”
    He nodded.
    Just walk away, Sadie. Just…walk…away.
    She swung the cart away from him with an exaggerated amount of force. It knocked into a pyramid of cereal boxes and sent the entire display crashing to the floor. A box of Fruit Loops landed at her feet, and Toucan Sam stared up in shame, his feathered finger outstretched and pointing at her. Sadie hung her head and sighed.
    She was too embarrassed to even look at Dmitri.
    A voice blared over the loudspeaker: “Clean-up on aisle 14.”
    Sadie finally glanced at him. “It’s all right. They know me here.”
    He looked as though he were going to burst out with laughter at any moment. She wheeled her cart down the aisle and attempted to hold her head high, ignoring the squeak, squeak, squeak that had suddenly developed in the cart’s wheels.
    “Ms. Spencer?” his accented voice called her name.
    She swallowed and turned. “Yes?”
    “I believe the allergy medication is in aisle 7.”
    Sadie blinked.

    Sadie nearly sank through the floor the next morning when Dmitri Velichko entered Suncatchers and sat in his regular booth. The waitress on duty (a tall, waifish specimen appropriately named Willow) instantly inserted a menu in his hands and smiled with enough radiance to illuminate several city blocks.
    Willow had poured him a mug of coffee and taken his order before Sadie mustered enough courage to approach his table.
    “Morning,” she offered with what she felt was the appropriate amount of contrition.
    He smiled a greeting, which she took as a promising sign. She slipped into the seat across from him.
    “How’s your leg this morning?”
    He laid aside his newspaper, which Sadie noted was once more open to the business section. A competitive wave of jealousy bit into her, and she had the unexpected urge to swing her foot under the table and into the same shin she had rammed with her cart the evening before.
    “It’s a little stiff, but I’ll live.”
    “Oooh. That’s a shame.”
    Dmitri raised an eyebrow at her tone. She sounded anything but sorry.
    “So…the business section, huh?” She gestured to the paper.
    He was eyeing her warily again. She seemed to have that effect on him. Sadie thought he probably wondered how many personalities she possessed.
    “I was a business major in college,” he tentatively offered.
    “Really?” She affected an air of detached interest while mentally filing away this new information. A business major. He probably knew all about running a restaurant. And then she brightened as another thought occurred to her.
    Sure, he knew about business. But did he know about food ?
    “Listen, Dmitri…may I call you

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