Lost In Time: A Fallen Novel

Read Lost In Time: A Fallen Novel for Free Online

Book: Read Lost In Time: A Fallen Novel for Free Online
Authors: Christie Palmer
word fell like an anvil on the table between them. “You must find him and bring him to me.”
    “And exactly what are you going to be doing?” Marcus asked again.
    “We cannot be in two places at once,” Dante explained. “If anarchy continues to rain in the Infernos, it will eventually bleed over into the mortal realm.”
    “It sounds like it already is,” Falcon snarled slapping his own hand on the table. “The souls bound for the Infernos will be trapped on this plane.”
    “Answer me one more question, Dante,” Marcus said interrupting Falcon. Dante leveled him with a black cold stare. “How do we kill Calliope?”
    The slight figure at Dante’s side stepped forward throwing off its cloak. A beautiful red haired woman in blood red leathers unsheathed a Sword as long as her arm and as black a pitch. “With this.” She stabbed into the oak table.
    Everyone scrambled away from the table. Chaos reigned for several minutes as chairs were tipped over and the inhabitants of the room, excluding the Reapers, moved as far as the four walls containing them would allow.
    “That was to have been destroyed,” Falcon bellowed glaring at the Sword.
    “Yes, well, something’s should never be destroyed,” Dante said calmly.
    “And what exactly is holding the Sword?” Kyra asked nearly hissing the words. Then she directed her next statement at the woman. “What are you?”
    Dante placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder. “This is to never leave this room.”
    Marcus and several of the Trackers snorted in disbelief, after everything Dante had said to them he was now asking them for their confidence?
    “You’re asking for favors now?” Lykar barked. “I know you’re the ruler of the Infernos, but you must have the largest set of balls on any plane.”
    Nobody spoke for a long moment. “She is my daughter, Celeste.”
    Kyra snorted. “Heaven sent? Are you kidding me? Her name means heaven sent?” she turned to Ryder, as if he would understand the irony of that. “Can you smell it? She’s a Demon.”
    “Just Reaper enough to hold the Sword, and just Demon enough to not let it take her soul.” Skylar shook his head, and glared at Celeste “Bitch, you’re trouble, that’s what you are.”
    Dante held up his hands. “Celeste will be partnered with Marcus in order to find the Guarded Touched. Calliope will go after them after finding the Dagger. Kill the Touched yourselves if you have to, but do not allow Calliope to get ahold of them.”
    “I will not kill innocent mortals,” Marcus demanded. “There has to be another way. And how can that be all you are worried about, he is out there right now trying to find a dagger that could very well kill you and your telling us to kill innocent mortals to keep the Infernos safe?”
    Dante shrugged casually making Marcus itch to shake him. “I care little for how the situation is handled when it comes to the Touched. Those souls belong to me regardless. Calliope cannot have them,” Dante said with no feeling at all. “Celeste will ensure that Calliope pays for his deeds.” He exchanged a look with Celeste, and she nodded slightly.
    “I don’t want her,” Marcus balked. The last thing he needed was to have to deal with a female Demon/Reaper mix.
    Dante sneered at Marcus. “That Sword is the only thing that will kill Calliope, unless you have another blessed Sword?”
    “We shouldn’t have this one,” Marcus snarled. There was something about the small Demon/Reaper that just had his hackles up. Some recognition flickered in the back of his mind that he couldn’t place.
    “And just what happens to the rest of us if we happen to come up against Calliope?” Falcon asked. “If that Sword is the only thing that will kill it, then the rest of us will be sitting ducks. Especially if he as the Dagger.”
    “You must find and protect the Touched,” Dante explained.
    “You said yourself there are hundreds of Touched,” Falcon shouted. “How do you expect us

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