Los olvidados

Read Los olvidados for Free Online

Book: Read Los olvidados for Free Online
Authors: Tim Tzouliadis
Tags: Ciencias sociales, Historia
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    Nisbet , Robert, Roosevelt and Stalin: The Failed Courtship , Simon & Schuster, Londres, 1989.
    Noble , John, I Was a Slave in Russia: An American Tells His Story , Brown Watson, Londres, 1963.
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    Ohrn , Karin Becker, Dorothea Lange and the Documentary Tradition , Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge (Luisiana), 1980.
    Oppenheimer , Francis, Stranger Within: Autobiographical Pages , Faber, Londres, 1960.
    Orlov , Aleksandr, The Secret History of Stalin’s Crimes , Random House, Nueva York, 1953 [hay trad. cast.: Historia secreta de los crímenes de Stalin , Destino, Barcelona, 1955].
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    Orr , J. Edwin, Prove Me Now: 10,000 Miles of Miracle to Moscow , Marshall, Morgan and Scott, Londres, 1935.
    Osokina , Elena, Our Daily Bread: Socialist Distribution and the Art of Survival in Stalin’s Russia, 1927-1941 , M. E. Sharpe, Armonk (Nueva York), 2001.
    Orwell , George, Nineteen Eighty-Four , Seeker and Warburg, Londres, 1949 [hay trad. cast.: Mil novecientos ochenta y cuatro , Círculo de Lectores, Barcelona, 2003].
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    O’Sullivan , Christopher D., Sumner Welles, Postwar Planning and the Quest for a New World Order, 1937-1943 , Columbia University Press, Nueva York, 2003, y edición online de Gutenberg.
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