Looking at Trouble

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Book: Read Looking at Trouble for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Space Opera
left the spaceport and entered the covered skimmer.
    The base was a sprawling building with several outcroppings for a gym, workshop, kitchen and private quarters. It was one long line with spikes protruding to the left and right.
    She was shown to her quarters, walked through the protocols and fitted with the subdermal com unit.
    Commander Niam asked her, “Are you sure that you can manage it?”
    Reeda nodded. “I am here to work, not be liked. If you get called out tomorrow, may I come with you?”
    “Of course. You can also go through the files of the Guardians for the press conference.”
    She sighed. “That was my flight out here. I am ready to explain them, but I am not sure how to explain myself.”
    Commander Niam smiled. “Just use the term Command Control. They won’t figure it out until your first mission together.”
    “Thank you for helping.”
    “It is my pleasure. My nephew is one of those coming in, and I am fairly sure that Kimda had his heart set on command. He just isn’t suited for it.”
    “I will try to keep him calm. Are you retiring here or heading out to act as an instructor?”
    Niam smiled. “My wife and I are looking forward to a change in location. The Guardians have been my life for years. It is time for a change.”
    “The others feel the same?”
    “They do. They are simply ready to do something else for a while. It is our time while we can still enjoy our lives and have families in a safe environment. Ryamash III is just a little too lively.”
    “Well, I wish you all the luck and happiness that I can.”
    Niam grinned. “I wish the same for you.”
    Her new com unit chirped, and she looked up as she touched it to listen in to the call.
    Niam smiled. “Ready?”
    “No, but let’s go anyway.”
    He clapped her on the shoulder and smiled. “That’s the spirit. Hey, is that l’nal silk?”
    She grinned and walked with him toward the skimmer. “Funnily enough, it is.”

Chapter Six
    When the ship was entering the atmosphere, Reeda waited at the spaceport with Commander Niam. It was the protocol.
    Reeda had already introduced herself to the population via holographic projection and had heralded the changeover of the Guardians. The current Guardians were going to be ready for anything until the moment that the new ones were checked into the base and ready for action.
    Bilro was stunned to see her when he stepped through security. “Reeda, what are you doing here?”
    Commander Niam stepped forward when all four men were in front of them. “Gentlemen, welcome back to Ryamash III. May I present your commander, Reeda Rrkra.”
    Reeda was watching, and Kimda’s features went blank with shock. The other three were surprised, but Kimda was shocked.
    “That isn’t possible.” Kimda growled it, and a wave of his telekinetic energy slapped at them.
    Reeda saw the effect of his irritation, and she whistled sharply. “Kimda, pull it in. You are endangering the population.”
    He gave her a narrow-eyed look. “I always have control.”
    She took a few steps, grabbed his arm and turned him toward one of the scanning units swaying dangerously. One of the rivets holding it to the twenty-foot ceiling popped.
    There were several folk underneath the swaying structure.
    “Bilro, fly up there and hold it; Oldeck, move the bystanders; and Reaht, keep the locals calm.”
    To her relief, they all sprang into motion.
    Kimda looked at her with fury simmering in his eyes. “I could have stopped it.”
    She stared into his eyes. “And yet, you stood here while the innocent were in danger; was that to make a point?”
    He blinked rapidly and thought about it. “I...”
    Niam stepped in. “She has the ability to see trouble, Kimda. She has helped out on several missions and has an existing rapport with the population. They love her. That can go a long way.”
    Reeda and Niam had discussed it, and this gave Kimda an excuse for surrendering to her command without having to back

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