Long Ride (Riding with Honor)

Read Long Ride (Riding with Honor) for Free Online

Book: Read Long Ride (Riding with Honor) for Free Online
Authors: Rebecca Avery
opener for her when she’d been representing Tommy McMurray.  The idea that the four bikers had raised the little girl themselves with very little help from Edna or any other woman had been what endeared her most to this group of men.  It was obvious that the little girl had a special place in each one of their hearts.
    Watching the ease the child displayed around Dickie kept her on the verge of a constant smile.  Becca remembered a saying about children and dogs being able to sense if a person was kind or not.  Gretchen looked to be large and in charge regardless of her age and her small size.  After picking her up from Edna’s, they came back to Dickie’s house. 
    He grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and zucchini for dinner.  The child followed him everywhere, except to the bathroom, talking nonstop about what she was learning at school, her new little sister and the annoying little boy who sat at her table during lunch.  She was also quick to repeat the advice that her ‘Mama Dana’ had given her for each new topic of discussion.
    Dickie would occasionally give a one word response to keep her talking while he focused on getting dinner prepared.  It was obvious he was as used to dealing with her as she was to him.  If one didn’t know the whole story, as had been told to her by Edna, it would be hard to tell which of the guys was her actual father as it appeared they all were, though she referred to Tommy as ‘Daddy.’  It was like they each had claimed a portion of the parental responsibility for Gretchen.
    Bobby seemed to be the one who corrected her foul language and attitude issues with a little help from Tommy.  Tommy provided for her as well if not better than some two parent environments, as she was always clean, fed and properly dressed. 
    Chuck was Gretchen’s favorite of the group as she mimicked almost everything he did… including cussing… he was the playful fun parent.  Dickie was the provider of affection, comfort and coddling. 
    “I made dinner so you and Becca should make dessert ,” he replied.
    Gretchen eyed Becca thoughtfully and then said, “You any good at making brownies?”
    “No need to worry, I have a recipe and since you can supposedly read now… you could make them and all Becca would have do is work the oven,” Dickie said.
    With that he brought out an index card box and sifted through it, pulling out a single index card and handing it to Gretchen.  She took it and studied it carefully for several minutes before saying, “Do we have all this stuff or do we have to go to the store?”
    She could really read at such a young age?   Incredible!
    Dickie smiled and said , “Why don’t you start pulling out the things on that list and see if you have everything.”
    Gretchen began by scooting a chair over to the cabinets and kneeling on the countertop to pull items from the shelf that stored baking goods.  She would occasionally stop and get down from the countertop and get something out of the refrigerator.
    Dickie sat down at the table and took up reading the newspaper he’d laid there earlier.  He would occasionally help her pronounce words as she read the recipe card or the print on the outside label of the baking supplies.
    Once she had collected the ingredients Gretchen turned to her and said , “Now what?”
    “You will need to get out a bowl, a measuring cup, measuring spoons and a pan ,” she replied.
    Gretchen seemed familiar with where things were and after they had pulled everything out, Becca helped her mix the ingredients and then pour the batter into the pan.  After the pan went in to the oven they began cleaning up.  Once the brownies were out and cooling Dickie set his paper aside.
    “Might want to get your shower out of the way so there is time for a brownie before bed ,” he said.  Gretchen frowned but walked out of the kitchen and down the hall toward the bathroom. 
    “She is adorable ,” Becca said as he stood and approached her.

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