so some kind of stunt was almost inevitable. Elaine quite fancied Kevin, and loved his rebellious humorous character. She hoped that at some point he would ask her to dance, but she kept those thoughts to herself.
After helping themselves to a flimsy plastic cup of fruit punch, the two girls were soon rather uncomfortably ensconced on the rigid plastic chairs. It was amazing just how much the backs of the legs suffered when wearing high heels, the girls would later reflect. Once their aching calves had been relaxed, Elaine and Judy hit the floor to show off their new dancing skills.
While the music played and the night wore on, more and more teenagers got up to dance. Carefully rehearsed dance routines were delivered to the sounds of the likes of Alvin Stardust, Slade, Elton John, Queen, Abba, and The Rubettes. It was strange to see even the most shy and reserved pupils beginning to relax, and teachers who were normally aloof were knocking back the fruit punch and mingling with teenagers.
Most of The Osmond’s hits had already been played, but when Little Jimmy Osmond burst into song with ‘Long Haired Lover From Liverpool’, there was an instant outburst of laughter, as a large group of boys linked arms and kicked up their legs in time to the music. Right in the middle of the line were the main instigators of this performance; Kevin Walker and Ian Thompson. With their shoulder length hair they were perfectly suited to the song, and their pals didn’t need much encouragement to put on an exhibition.
When the dancing was over the two main stars of the show took a bow, and as both boys glanced over to Elaine and Judy they took a second bow and smiled.
As the first immediately recognizable guitar notes of the incredibly popular ‘Teenage Rampage’ by The Sweet burst through the speakers, the room went wild. A loud cheer went up before everyone hit the dance floor and there wasn’t a single person left in the room that wasn’t dancing, including all of the teachers.
“Come join the revolution, get yourself a constitution, come join the revolution now,” sang the gleeful teenagers loudly in unison as they raised their hands in the air and punched the sky triumphantly with their fists. When the song had ended, the room was filled with a large bunch of hyped up excitable teenagers gasping for breath. They anxiously awaited the next song track.
“Five minutes to grab a drink and get your breath back, everyone,” said Miss Aitken in her usual melodic tone of voice, as she hiccupped and immediately apologized.
Elaine and Judy refilled their plastic cups with fruit punch from the refreshment table, and sipped their drinks slowly as they wandered back to the hard plastic chairs that lined the walls of the school hall.
Elaine and Judy had just got themselves uncomfortably seated, again, when Kevin and Ian appeared in front of them.
“Didn’t you fancy wearing a skirt tonight, boys?” asked Elaine, mockingly.
“I should go easy on the fruit punch if I were you,” urged Kevin as he winked and smiled broadly.
“Why, what have you done to it, Kevin?” asked Elaine in a naïve tone, as she fluttered her thick sky blue mascara coated eyelashes at him.
“You’ll see,” laughed Kevin, “do you wanna dance, Elaine?”
“You bet I do.”
Kevin may have been the school jester, but he had a kind heart. He didn’t care what anyone else thought, and he seemed to like Elaine. Other boys fought for the attention of the couple of girls who were considered ‘perfect’. Kevin appeared to be much less shallow. He probably knew that Elaine had a huge crush on him, and that simply asking her to dance would make her feel a million dollars. Kevin took hold of Elaine’s hand, and her face beamed as the two teenagers walked onto the dance floor.
“How about you, Judy, do you fancy a dance?” asked Ian full of bravado.
“Alright then,” replied Judy as she laid her flimsy plastic cup on the cold plastic chair.