Lone Wolf (The Westervelt Wolves, Book 8)

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Book: Read Lone Wolf (The Westervelt Wolves, Book 8) for Free Online
Authors: Rebecca Royce
cooperation, and Carrie comes with me. Alive. Everyone forgets about her. No one knows you’ve done this. Except you and me. I’m safe. You’re safe. She’s safe. And then eventually I win.”
    You can’t seriously be considering this. There has to be another way. If we go to Tristan right now, maybe he can help us .
    He’s not Alpha. He’s overwhelmed by what is happening . He could feel the wolves in the pack; their pain pelted at his skin like bullets assaulting him.
    He will be Alpha .
    Gabriel shook his head. He’s not yet .
    “For how long?” He rubbed his temple. If he made this decision, he made it for Carrie and for him. She wouldn’t—couldn’t—be consulted. She’d never agree. In the same way that he would always place her first, she would do the same for him. She’d kill herself to spare him this. And even though he’d gladly follow her anywhere, he didn’t want her to have to make that decision. As her mate, he spared her every burden he could.
    “For as long as it takes or until you break.”
    “I’ll never break .” He spit out the word. “Ever.”
    Neither would he betray his brothers. There had to be another way. A line he could walk to keep Kendrick at bay, keep Carrie alive, and save Westervelt. He would find it.
    “We’ll see.” His father sneered his words.
    The wind brought Carrie’s scent to his nose seconds before she arrived.
    “Gabriel. My gods. I cannot believe it. It’s happening.” Her voice held an edge of desperation he’d never heard before.
    He turned to regard her as a red haze filled his gaze. Blinking, he tried to clear it. “Kill her.” Kendrick’s voice spoke to his wolf. “Kill her and obey me.”
    “Ah. So you’re already feeling it. One sound of her voice on your ears, one glance at her, and now you want to kill her.”
    Gabriel closed his eyes, wishing his father’s words were less true. He did want to kill her, to take her neck between his hands and snap it or choke the life out of her. It would be so easy…
    “Knock it off.” Carrie’s snarl made him open his eyes. “He’s only making this worse. If anyone can resist this, you can. You’re the strongest wolf I’ve ever known. Don’t let Kendrick confuse the situation.”
    “If only it were that simple, my love.” His voice sounded strange to his own ears. A sneer that hadn’t been there earlier presented itself. Had he uttered those tones?
    Carrie heard it. Her pupils dilated slightly and the wolf appeared in her eyes. That was right. She should be afraid of him. Killing her wouldn’t even take him ten minutes. Maybe she’d even make it fun and run for a while. He loved a chase.
    We can’t do this. And yet I want to. So badly . His wolf shuddered.
    “Kendrick.” He looked at his father. “You have a deal.”
    His father clapped his hands together, whirling around like a child who had just been given his favorite toy. “Good choice, son.”
    “What did you do, Gabriel?” Carrie charged toward him. “What did you agree to?”
    A jolt shook his body and he hit the floor. The world spun above his head. The sun had risen completely in the sky while he had answered his father. It shone brightly on Carrie’s head, making all the colors in her hair shine down like a halo sent from above. She’d been given to him to cherish. How could he do anything else?
    Carrie’s hands shook when she pulled him up. “What have you done? Something has happened. I can feel it inside of me.”
    “I’ve saved you.” He took her face in his hands. “I cannot kill you, Carrie. I’ve agreed to stay here. To work for Kendrick.”
    “I think I’ll let you two say good-bye.” Kendrick sauntered by them. “I have to go kill your mother.”
    Gabriel closed his eyes. He didn’t even have the energy to shift. His mother. He’d never see her again. Would she understand what he’d done? If anyone could, it would be her. Why else but for the love of her mate would she have hidden Kendrick’s

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