Lodestone Book One: The Sea of Storms
apprise him
of the situation, but he is not overly concerned. There has been no
organised rebellion since the revolt at Persillan, and that was
more than ten turns ago. Nevertheless, two companies of soldiers
under Captain Sallidor have been dispatched to Corte to investigate
and track down the assailants.”
    “Sallidor will no doubt do a
thorough job,” Keris offered.
    “Sallidor couldn’t find a Utharan
Mammoth if you placed it in front of him and tied a sign round its
neck reading ‘Utharan Mammoth.’ No, Sallidor will knock a few heads
together, but he will turn up nothing of significance…However, this
does furnish us with an opportunity.”
    “Indeed.” Mordal smiled weakly.
“I am getting along in years now, Keris. Soon the time will come to
name my successor.” He looked at her steadily. “I would like it to
be you.”
    Keris was silent for a moment,
trying to absorb the import of Mordal`s words. She had never
thought of herself in such a role. Indeed she was quite certain
that no-one else in the keep had either. In fact there would
probably be quite a number, and she could rattle off their names,
who would be shocked or even angered by the suggestion. Finally she
spoke. “My Lord, there are a great many others with more experience
than I–”
    “But they do not have your
insight. Your instincts. I need to know that after I am gone, the
Prophet’s mission will be in good hands.”
    Keris found herself lost for
    “However,” he continued, “I need
to convince the Prophet that you are indeed the right person for
this task.” Mordal put a hand on her shoulder. “To that end, I want
you to go to Corte. You can pose as common traveller or a merchant.
Make discreet enquiries and find the conspirators. I do not care
what happens to them, whether you take them alive or bring back the
bodies, but we need to know exactly how they managed to obtain the
cloak and the staff.”
    “This is to be your task and
yours alone, Keris. You will report directly to me. When you
return, I will bring your efforts to the attention of the Prophet
and make my recommendation. I have every confidence in your
    Keris nodded. “I shall begin
preparations immediately, my Lord.” She made to turn away, but
something stopped her.
    “Yes, Keris?”
    “Does the Lord Prophet really
ascend to the heavens?”
    “Indeed,” Mordal replied. “I have
seen it with my own eyes.”

    The clouds had begun to part and
were tinged with Ail-Mazzoth`s soft reddish glow as Shann urged her
mount towards Lind. There were no lights visible from the town,
which lay in somnolent shadow.
    The apprehension she had felt
during her flight from Corte had slowly been replaced by
exhaustion, so that after a while, she no longer checked over her
shoulder for signs of pursuit. She simply clung to the sides of her
mount and rode on, as if she and the graylesh were the only things
left in the world.
    As she approached the edge of the
town, she eased herself off the graylesh`s back, half falling off
in the attempt. Her bad ankle hit the ground, and she went down on
one knee, grimacing in pain. Gingerly, she eased herself up and
checked her surroundings.
    The street she
was in seemed to consist mainly of stables, workshops or
warehouses; it was hard to tell in the dim light. She did not have
anything approaching a plan, but she knew she could not go on much
farther and she didn’t know anyone in this town. I need a place to hole up , at least until morning, she decided.
    She started towards an adjacent
building, when suddenly there was a sound behind her. Footsteps
splashing through puddles on the hard packed road. She saw an open
crate and hobbled over to it as fast as she could. She climbed in
and lay still. A smell assailed her nostrils. Lining the bottom of
the crate was a layer of moba root and most of them seemed to have
gone bad. She fought down the urge to gag.
    As she tried to

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