Livvy's Devil Dom
not ever. This was one area she was sure he wasn't telling the truth about. He
had to be lying again when the picture moved to the woman sucking a very
impressive cock, and he said, "You love doing that."
    No, not
ever. Livvy shuddered. So not her thing.
    "It is, you
know." Sael nipped her ear. "You told me, that until this year, you
never knew why people liked caviar. Now you understand, and it's your favorite
    Livvy closed her eyes
and shuddered. Oh shit, that was so true. Until this last year, the thought of
caviar made her want to throw up. Now? That strange,
fishy, and yes, semen taste, made her hot, horny, and ready for sex. Was that
why she ordered caviar at every opportunity?
    Sael nipped her ear
again. "Of course it is. When you eat caviar, it reminds you of eating me,
drinking my cum . Now watch. You need to see
    Obediently Livvy
opened her eyes, looked back at the screen, and knew she went white. The man
opened his mouth to show his impressive fangs and incisors, moved to the
woman's breast, and bit.
    Sael watched as Livvy
curled her hand over her breast. Did she not realize just how much too late
that gesture was? Already his marks grew. Each time he sucked and nipped it
went a little deeper, until now she was ready for that final bite. If she damn well cooperated. He kept his eyes on her face. He
knew quite well what she was about to see might well send her screaming from
the room, and doing all those dire things she had thought of earlier. His role
as her Dom might end before it really got started, and that would be a pity.
Sael could never damn his heritage, but at times—such as now—he could wish it
wasn't so different from hers.
    She swayed, and he
held her close. Livvy moved restlessly, and his cock, never patient at the best
of times, started to show its annoyance at being ignored and began to swell. He
clamped ruthlessly down on his arousal and concentrated on Livvy. She looked
    "If for one
moment you think I'm going to stand in front of hundreds of people and let you
do all that to me, then, then, offer myself up for them to have a taste,
you've lost your marbles"
    "I'm the only
one who'd bite you love, right at the end. The Devil Bite cements us as a
couple, puts the seal on our relationship." He lowered his voice. "Saves me."
the record? I hate blood. I'd be unconscious by that bit. But hear me, and
hear me well," she said, as her voice demonstrated her determination.
"Biting, fucking, anything, I'm yours. Yours and only
yours. Get it?"
    Livvy jabbed him with
her finger as she spoke. "As far as I'm concerned, I don't do oral, I
don't do anal, and I sure as hell don't do others. Just you
and me, no onlookers. Is that clear?"
    "This time you
do. All of it. But think positive, if you're
unconscious by the time I bite you, you won't see the blood." Sael thought
that would be a point in his favor. It seemed he was mistaken once more.
    Livvy jumped off his
lap and turned to stand in front of him, her back to the images on the wall.
"That's your mother on there , opening her legs for whoever . Turn the bloody thing off. It's obscene. How can
you watch your mother degrade herself like that?"
    Sael sighed. If Livvy
hadn't been so incensed, she would have seen the secret look of satisfaction on
his face. Not to mention how the film ended! With love and
acceptance. Instead, she stood with her face as red as her hair, and
glared at him.
    "Think back over
what you've said, Liv," he said. "Replay your words in your head.
Then think on them."
    "What do you
mean? And turn the bloody film off. I've got an orgy all over my boobs."
She'd looked down and seen the images as they moved across her sweatshirt.
"Thank goodness it's all blurry. I can't cope with this."
    "Liv, what did
you say before you listed what you think you don't do? No"— he put a hand
up—"let me finish. You said, and I quote, 'I'm yours. Yours
and only yours'. If you really mean that, are you ready to

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