Letting Go
    Laura was aching now. She could feel her own increasing wetness as she reached up and placed her hands behind Kelly’s head, kissing her hungrily. They kissed deeply and passionately and when Kelly moved one hand around to stroke Laura’s hip and thigh, Laura’s knees nearly gave way.
    “Come upstairs with me,” she managed to gasp softly. The sky was streaked richly in deep pink and gold from the setting sun, and upstairs, the bedroom was awash with the soft pink hues. The ceiling fan was turning slowly, and the crickets were singing outside. They were standing beside the bed, and Kelly drew Laura into her arms and kissed her again.
    Kelly hadn’t wanted anyone this much in a long time, and she fought against the desperate urge to just press Laura down onto the bed and unceremoniously take her, thrusting her fingers into the warmth and wetness she knew was waiting for her. Silently, she told herself to slow down, to savor every moment.
    Still kissing Laura’s mouth, she reached down and untied her robe. She pulled it open and ran her hands down Laura’s trembling body. She wasn’t wearing anything under the robe, and Kelly’s knees nearly gave way as she ran her fingers across the soft hair above Laura’s thighs. She moaned into Laura’s mouth as she reached up and slipped the robe off Laura’s shoulders. She then lowered Laura to the bed.
    Laura seemed deliciously helpless. Kelly was in control, which was just the way she liked it, and that appeared to be fine with Laura. Still fully dressed, she straddled her. She looked at the satin skin of her throat and the line of her shoulders, the small breasts with their hard cherry nipples, and across her firm stomach and hips to the small mound of brown hair. Kelly wanted to kiss every inch of her. She wanted to remove her own clothes and feel Laura against her. But she couldn’t stop now to get undressed. She was aching to taste her and to be inside her. She lowered her head and took one of Laura’s nipples into her mouth, teasing it with her tongue. Laura writhed, moving her hips.
    “Oh, Kelly,” she murmured breathlessly. She took Kelly’s hand and guided it down across her stomach, placing it between her thighs.
    Kelly gasped as her fingers slid along Laura’s incredibly warm wetness. She couldn’t ever remember touching a woman who’d been this wet. Kelly’s passion became 36
    overwhelming as she gently stroked in rhythm with Laura’s hips. Kelly entered her.
    “Yes,” Laura breathed, and she raised her hips taking Kelly inside her more deeply. Kelly could feel Laura’s powerful orgasm building as her fingers thrust deeply and rhythmically. Kelly continued to stroke her swollen nipples with her tongue, and in a moment Laura’s passion reached its peak.
    Kelly was in desperate agony by now, and as the tremors continued to pulse through Laura’s body, she lowered herself to Laura’s thigh and pumped her hips hard against her.
    Slowly, Laura came back to earth, and aware of Kelly’s urgent need, she unzipped her jeans, then slid her hand inside, under Kelly’s panties, into her wetness. Kelly pressed against Laura’s fingers and Laura’s stroking took her quickly to a shuddering orgasm. Moaning, she collapsed on top of Laura, gasping for breath.
    Laura held Kelly’s body tightly while they both recovered.
    It wasn’t long before Laura felt desire overwhelm her again, and she reached for Kelly. She wanted to look at Kelly’s body, to touch her, to explore her. She gently began to pull Kelly’s T-shirt off, over her head. Laura looked admiringly at Kelly’s firm full breasts, then drew Kelly down to her to kiss them. This was going to be a long night. Laura woke early the next morning feeling better than she had in a long time. She looked across at Kelly who 37
    was still asleep. Warm embers of lust sparked again as she recalled the details of their night together.
    The morning was fresh and cool, and she slid quietly out of bed to

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