Lethal Force
    â€œWait, Sir.” The driver was now outside the car holding his door open. “Please don’t do that.”
    Jake smiled to himself and became serious as he turned to the driver. Then he looked down at the trunk and said, “What the hell is this?” He lowered himself out of view.
    When the driver came around to see what was so important, Jake quickly put the man into a sleeper hold, his arms around the smaller man’s throat. “Don’t fight it. Just go to sleep and I won’t hurt you.”
    But, although Jake had said similar things to others in the past a number of times, it was not in human nature to not struggle when one thought they were being choked to death. The need to survive outweighed any logical whisper into the victim’s ears.
    In a few seconds it didn’t matter. The man slipped into a deep sleep and Jake lowered him to the ground. Then he put the man’s hat on and hurried to the driver’s side and popped the trunk. In less than thirty seconds, he was able to hoist the man up into the trunk. Before closing the trunk he found the driver’s cell phone and pocketed it. Then he closed the trunk, got into the car and pulled out, stopping in front of the restaurant.
    As Jake suspected, the driver had a text he would use to extract the congresswoman if anything came up. A few seconds later, she came from the restaurant looking somewhat concerned and got into the back without saying a word.
    Jake quickly pulled away from the curb and raced off toward nowhere in particular.
    â€œWhat’s the emergency, John?” her voice asked over the speaker.
    Lowering the divider, Jake said, “Just wanted a private conversation with my representative,” he said with a smile.
    â€œJake. What have you done with my driver?”
    â€œHe’s taking a nap.”
    When Jake got to a secluded residential area, he pulled over to the curb, left the car running and got into the back with the congresswoman.
    â€œSorry to meet like this,” Jake said.
    â€œYou mean kidnapping a U.S. congresswoman?”
    â€œKidnapping?” Jake shook his head. “A little harsh. You did tell me to call on you this evening.”
    She sighed and smiled. “So, I take it you’ve had a chance to look over the information I gave you.”
    â€œYes, ma’am,” he said.
    â€œIf you don’t start calling me Lori I might have to have you arrested,” she said. “Or I’ll tell your brother.”
    â€œI haven’t talked with my brother in a long time.”
    â€œCan we get on with this?” she asked.
    â€œThat’s right. You need to get back to your boyfriend.”
    â€œThat was the senior senator from the great state of Texas. He’s old enough to be my grandfather. I’m surprised you didn’t recognize the man.”
    â€œI did. Just messing with my favorite congresswoman. So, Lori, what have you gotten yourself into?”
    â€œWhat do you mean?” She looked genuinely confused.
    â€œWell, first of all, those were Top Secret documents you showed me. Although I have the clearance, I’m not sure I have the need to know.” He paused for a beat but didn’t wait for her to answer. “Also, you have some Air Force documents and others not given to your sub-committee. I’m guessing someone from your past life is feeding these to you. But the patent application was quite interesting. How did you come across that?”
    â€œYou should be able to guess that,” she said. “The Agency keeps track of every patent application to make sure it’s not a weapon that could have an impact on national security.”
    He knew that, but he didn’t know she would know that.
    She continued, “But since I talked with you last, something has changed.”
    â€œWhat’s that?”
    â€œOne of the professors was shot and killed last night in an apparent home invasion in Corvallis,

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