Legon Awakening: Book One in the Legon Series
be taking care of her soon,
so don’t you worry.” She said this like she was telling a sick
person that they were going to get better.
    Her statement pushed any kind or nice feelings from
his mind. If any man had just made the statement that Moleth had,
Legon would be all over him. He attempted to hold back his fury and
counted to ten slowly in his mind. He tried to keep his voice calm
but the attempt didn’t work.
    “Sasha is not going anywhere, Moleth, so get used to
it!” He felt his hand tighten around the handle of the cleaver.
    There was a warning tone in his voice that a person
with any sense would heed unless they were ready for a fight.
Moleth did not have this sense and she pushed on, oblivious to the
now quivering man in front of her.
    “Oh come on now, you people can’t keep paying the
taxes that she costs you. In the spring they will take her away and
be gone with her. I dare say the queen’s men will have a lot of fun
with her, don’t you think? She is a pretty girl after all, and the
queen’s men do deserve it. They work so hard to keep us safe.” Her
voice was warm and a smile came over her face as she winked at
    Legon’s face contorted and rage filled his body,
tearing through him like a wild animal. All rational thought left
his mind, replaced with an overwhelming bloodlust. The arm that was
holding the cleaver jerked up of its own accord. Edis seized
Legon’s arm hard, all the man’s strength holding him back. With his
other hand Edis threw the packages at Moleth, who stepped back with
the sudden weight of the packages, and barked “Get out!”
    Moleth looked perplexed and angry. Her voice was
rough and irritated as she spoke.
    “What, what’s the matter with you?” She was oblivious
to how rude and dangerous her comments had been.
    “I think it’s time you leave, Moleth. Legon and I
have a lot of work to do.” This time Edis’s voice was calm and
controlled, but he still had a look of murder on his face. Moleth
looked at them both reproachfully and left the shop muttering about
rude people under her breath.
    After that the morning went by quickly. Legon was
still fuming, and the hard work was good for him. For once in his
life he was happy about the prospect of a long and difficult day.
He and Edis brought in a cow carcass and hung it from the ceiling.
He felt the rage in his heart dissipate as he heaved the cow. Work
had a way of clearing his mind. He looked back on the morning and
felt a twinge of shame. If Sasha had known that he was planning on
hurting, if not killing, Moleth, she would have been very
disappointed with him.
    Sasha knew what people said about her, and Legon knew
that it hurt and bothered her, but that didn’t mean that she would
be ok with him attacking a woman in cold blood. Sasha was a kind
person and couldn’t stomach violence or cruelty in any form. She
had always been a compass for him; she made him a good person.
Sasha was sweet and innocent, kind to everyone, and would do
anything to help. It tore at him watching her do kind things for
people in town who, as soon as her back was turned, said things
like, “Don’t think that will buy you any grace with me freak.”
    “ How could people think so poorly of someone so
good?” he thought. Legon turned his attention back to the
bloody carcass in front of him. He now understood his father’s
approach to Moleth—it was better not to acknowledge her rather than
do something rash.
    “Thanks dad, I’ll split it and then I’ll need your
help again to put one half in the ice box until I’m ready for
    “Sounds good. I’m going to get started on that deer
that we got the other day.”
    Legon smiled at Edis and said with a playful taunting
voice, “The deer we got?”
    Edis looked confused for a moment and then said
sarcastically, “Oh, forgive my mistake, o mighty hunter, the deer you got.” As he said this he gave Legon a slight bow.
    “Very good, peasant, you may go back to your

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