Left for Garbage

Read Left for Garbage for Free Online

Book: Read Left for Garbage for Free Online
Authors: Sarah Mathews
why she made other arrangements for June because she didn’t want the hassle with Mom. Maybe too, and I don’t like to say this about my sister, but she can be even worse than mom, so maybe Denise used this Manny guy totally to show mom that, if she didn’t want to babysit Deeley, then she could be replaced and replaced totally to the point of not getting to be a part of her life at all.
    If that’s what my sister was thinking , and that’s why she did it, you know, left Deeley with this freak who has kidnapped her, then I can only imagine her guilt and that may be why she can’t tell the truth. I mean, she must feel so responsible, not to mention she’d never be able to admit that to my mom. Denise isn’t afraid of anyone in the world, but if she were, it would be my mom. God, I’m afraid of her and I’m not afraid to say it, but Denise has always been tougher than me.
    Okay , so after Denise and Deeley had been gone for a month, Mom started going crazy, missing Deeley. Well, she probably missed both of them but she wouldn’t say that, only that she missed Deeley. I know she was calling Denise all the time during June on her cell, the one my mom pays for, and I know from Mom that Denise was pretty much just blowing her off, telling her that she was out of town and that Deeley was either sleeping or with Manny the nanny whenever mom called, and mom was mad and getting madder every day, but she wasn’t scared or anything, not until they saw the notice on their old car, the one they let Denise drive.
    See , they received a notice of impound and it was dated at a time when Denise wasn’t even supposed to have been in town. They went to the tow place to get it, and the guy there told them it had apparently just run out of gas and been left in some parking lot.
    When they got there , my mom was freaking out because the bill was over five hundred for the tow, and because the car had been sitting there for a couple of weeks, but my dad was freaked about something else, a smell from the trunk. It was so bad even the guy who ran the tow company thought there was a body in there, which is exactly what my dad was thinking, and he should know since he’d been a cop once himself. But it turned out to be nothing, just rotted pizza that Denise had stupidly left in the trunk. Still, it was so bad that Dad had to drive the car home with his head out the window.
    My mom , who’s a nurse, thought it smelled like death too, and even after my dad showed her the old pizza box, she was still so upset that she searched the car. That’s when she found Denise’s purse and got Denise’s friend Theresa’s number out of it, and then she went and got that girl Theresa and basically forced her to tell her where Denise was. And then she went over there to force Denise to produce Deeley.
    If only Denise hadn’t screwed around with my mom at Aaron ’s and on the ride home, refusing to tell her where Deeley was, then my mom wouldn’t have been so hysterical that she ended up calling the police and reporting that not only was Deeley missing but that it smelled like a dead body in the trunk. I mean she didn’t mean it. She tried to say that later. It was just in the heat of the moment, you know. I mean, my mom, she thinks now what she smelled was a pizza and not a dead body, and for sure not Deeley. She was just really worked up, that’s all.
    Anyway , here’s where I come in. So my mom was driving Denise home, and yelling at her, and demanding Denise tell her where Deeley was, and Denise wouldn’t, and by then my mom is not only threatening to call the police, she’s actually driving around looking for an open substation, and in between this, she calls me up and she’s crying and saying you need to talk to your sister, you better talk to her, so I just threw on some shorts and drove as fast as I could to my folks’ house. I got there before my mom and Denise did, in fact. My dad was home, though, and he was standing in the garage by

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