Lean Mean Thirteen

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Book: Read Lean Mean Thirteen for Free Online
Authors: Janet Evanovich
Tags: Fiction, General, Mystery & Detective
at her. "The boys at the home would love you. You look hot."
    "It's the coat," Grandma said. "It's wool."
    Elmer fingered the coat. "Looks like good quality. I was in retail, you know. I can tell quality."
    "I've had it for a while," Grandma said. "I was taller when I first bought it. I've shrunk up some."
    Elmer gave his head a small shake, and the toupee slid over one ear. He reached up and righted it. "The golden years are a bitch," Elmer said.
    "You don't look like you shrunk much," Grandma said. "You're a pretty big guy."
    "Well, some of me s shrunk and some of me s swollen up," Elmer said. "When I was young, I got a lot of tattoos, and now they don't look so good. One time, I got drunk and got Eisenhower tattooed on my balls, but now he looks like Orville Redenbacher."
    "He makes good popcorn," Grandma said.
    "You bet. And don't worry, I still got it where it counts."
    "Where s that?" Grandma asked.
    "In the sack. Hangs a little lower than it used to, but the equipment still works, if you know what I mean."
    "Uncle Elmer poops in a bag," Jeremy said.
    "It's temporary," Elmer said. "Jus* ^ the bypass heals up. They put some pig intestine in me on an experimental basis."
    "Gee," I said, "look at the time. We have to be running along now."
    "Yeah, I can't be late for dinner tonight," Grandma said. "I want to make the early viewing at the funeral parlor. Milton Buzick is laid out, and I hear you wouldn't even recognize him."
    "You got a good funeral parlor here?" Elmer asked Grandma.
    "I go to the one on Hamilton Avenue. It's run by two real nice young men, and they serve homemade cookies."
    "I wouldn't mind some homemade cookies," Elmer said. "I could meet you there tonight. I'm looking for a lady friend, you know. Do you put out?"
    Cynthia smacked Uncle Elmer on the head. "Behave yourself."
    "I haven't got time/' Elmer said, readjusting his hair. "I gotta know these things."
    "Now what?" I asked Grandma Mazur when we'd settled ourselves in the car.
    "I gotta go home, so I can get ready for tonight. That Elmer is a frisky one. He'll get snapped up fast. Myra Witkowski would snap him up in an instant if I let her."
    "Remember, I'm looking for Simon Diggery. Check out Milton's jewelry for me, and let me know if he's going in the ground with anything pricey enough to get Diggery out to the cemetery on a cold night."
    Morelli and Bob strolled in a little after six. Morelli shucked his boots and jacket in the foyer and dumped a grocery bag and a six-pack onto the kitchen counter. He grabbed me, and kissed me, and cracked open a beer from the six-pack.
    "I'm starving," he said. "I didn't have time for lunch." I pulled a bunch of chili dogs and a bucket of cheese fries out of the grocery bag. I put two dogs and some fries in a bowl for Bob and unwrapped a dog for myself.
    "This is what I love about you," I said to Morelli. "No vegetables." Morelli ate some hotdog and drank some more beer. "Is that all you love about me?"
    "No, but it's high on the list."
    "The Berringer murders are going into the toilet. The security company didn't have film in any of the surveillance cameras. Everyone hated the two people who were killed. It was cold and overcast and there was no exterior lighting in the back of the building. No one saw anything. No one heard anything. Forced entry. Nothing stolen."
    "Maybe you should hire a psychic."
    "I know you're being a wiseass, but I'm about at that point."
    "What's happening with Dickie? Am I still a suspect?"
    "Right now, Dickie is just a missing person who disappeared under suspicious circumstances. If his body floats in on the tide, you could be in trouble. Marty Gobel is still the primary investigator, and he wants to talk to you first thing tomorrow. I gave him your cell number."
    "Do you think I should use the orgasm defense?"
    "Yeah, my reputation could use a boost." Morelli finished off his second hotdog and ate some fries. "I'm not on the case, but I've been poking around on my own, and I don't

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