Last Measure of Devotion (TCOTU, Book 5) (This Corner of the Universe)

Read Last Measure of Devotion (TCOTU, Book 5) (This Corner of the Universe) for Free Online

Book: Read Last Measure of Devotion (TCOTU, Book 5) (This Corner of the Universe) for Free Online
Authors: Britt Ringel
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera, Military, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Space Fleet
gestured toward Captain Nguyen with a smile.  “I am pleased to announce not
only the promotion of Yon Nguyen to the rank of captain but also his new
position commanding Dioscuri.”  Heartfelt applause spread throughout the room
at the news that Nguyen, one of the few survivors of the old guard, was being
honored with the captaincy of Seshafi’s newest and largest ship of the line. 
After the applause died down, Heskan’s smile grew wider.  “I am also pleased to
announce that our other ship of the line, Ajax, will be captained by Commander
Stacy Vernay.”
applause filled the chamber this time as Vernay dipped her head and blushed at
the expected announcement.  Truesworth slapped Vernay on the back while
whooping as Selvaggio vigorously shook the young commander’s hand.
made sure his voice boomed with confidence.  “I don’t know if any of you have
reviewed the action fought a couple weeks ago—”  Genuine laughter broke out
over the crowd.  With the nonstop media broadcasts, no sentient being in Seshafi
could escape seeing the battle at every turn.
Vernay assumed de facto command of my ship when I was forced to lead the
fleet.  Her leadership was instrumental not only in Elathra’s success during
the engagement but to the overall success of the entire battle.  Those of you
lucky enough to serve under her will undoubtedly be in for the ride of your
infused his voice with a healthy dose of assurance.  “This is the first step toward
righting the terrible wrong inflicted upon our navy just one month ago.  Sade
has already been served our casus bellum and now, we will take the fight
to them!”
    A chorus of cheers
filled the auditorium as Heskan finished, “We will show Admiral Wallace and all
of IaCom the true mettle of the Seshafian navy. We may be small in size but we
are large in heart.”
    *  *  *
    The words of the tagline on the
wall screen slammed into a collection of digital brigs and line ships, causing
the vessels to explode.  As the screen flared from the explosions, Chase Fuller’s
voiceover narrated animatedly.  “In an IaCom exclusive, my sources have
obtained a copy of Seshafi’s casus bellum and I will share the
provocative language of the document with you!”
Covington slowly shook his head in disenchantment while Heskan questioned,
“Provocative?  What’s so provocative about our casus bellum , Archduke?”
next to Heskan, Captain Nguyen simply sighed.
at all, Garrett,” Covington answered.  “It’s just sensationalism on his part.” 
The patrician resumed shaking his head.  “As if sending our lads into combat
were not dramatic enough for him.”  Covington focused again on Fuller’s words
and grunted distastefully.
the background, Fuller’s image replaced the onscreen explosion.  He summarized
the ship casualty list from the previous battle before adding, “And which
privateer outfits will dare contract with Seshafi now that we’ve installed a fleet
commander that has shown such callous disregard for loss of life and
property?”  Fuller’s roguish smile widened.  “Already there are rumors which
seem to bear out that privateer companies were reluctant to employ with
Seshafi.  But now?  With a former Hollaran komandor leading the fleet?”  Fuller
shrugged his shoulders.  “Who’s to say that he wouldn’t order his fleet to
total annihilation?  Just consider some of the early results of the battles Hollara
fought against the Brevic Republic.  Entire task forces wiped out by ‘Vic heavies.”
what kind of psychological damage does that kind of devastation inflict upon a
komandor who witnesses it?” Fuller’s guest interjected.
nodded gravely with a deep look of concern.  “Excellent point, Michael.  Could this,
let’s call it traumatic stress disorder for argument’s sake,

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