Land of Night
have no right to take out my ill temper on you."
    "No, you don't.” Scarlet kept his voice low, his mind busy turning over the puzzle of Jochi and Eleferi and the glittering lady in the hall. So many puzzles here, so much he did not grasp. Scarlet had always been quick to take command of a situation, always so confident with strangers. Now, for the first time in his life, he had to admit he was in waters deeper than he could swim.
    "You were right,” Scarlet said dispiritedly. “Perhaps I was wrong to follow you so far when you warned me against it. Perhaps I don't belong here."
    Liall took Scarlet's shoulders and turned him around. “Ah, Scarlet, it's far too late for doubt. Whatever you might have chosen before, now it is done and there is no road back. Life is complicated here, much more complicated than in Ankar, or even the palace of your Flower Prince. It takes many years to be able to navigate a royal court with safety, and you should not be either too eager to do so or very disappointed when it turns out badly. Do you understand?"
    Liall sighed. “And that is my fault, I know, but ... I have no remedy."
    Scarlet's fingers dug into the fabric of Liall's sleeves. “Yes, you do. Teach me."
    "I cannot."
    "Can't or won't?"
    Liall slid his hand under Scarlet's chin and lifted it. “Listen to me, please. None of this was supposed to happen to you. We were to part on the Nerit, remember? This is an accident, your being here. A long set of circumstances that I tried to avoid, but somehow we kept getting thrown back together, as if we were meant to be together. Now you are here, and to me that is a very frightening thing.” Liall's hand dropped. “Rshan is an ancient civilization, and as such it is often wicked and stagnant, and devours innocence wherever it finds it. I will not allow you to be corrupted so much that going back to Scarlet of Lysia becomes impossible for you."
    Scarlet studied his face for a long moment. “And you plan on doing that by keeping me prisoner in these rooms?"
    Liall looked pained. “It is not what I want. You may move about the palace freely, but only with Jochi. He is not merely a translator and teacher: he is also a bodyguard. There are those who will seek to harm me here, and the easiest way to do that is through you. There are not even any laws in Rshan to protect your life, Scarlet."
    "Because I'm lenilyn."
    "Do you know what that word means? Not just outlander. Non-person . Many Rshani do not even believe you have a soul. They think you little more than a pretty animal."
    Scarlet was shocked. He had known they disliked Hilurin, but the extent had escaped him.
    "Do you see now?” Liall went on. He drew Scarlet close and spoke with his lips pressed against Scarlet's forehead. “If any evil should befall you, it would be entirely my fault. The only reason you are here is because of me. I brought you here, Scarlet, but I do not think I can survive burying you here."
    Scarlet wanted to remind Liall that it was he who had had insisted on following, but he felt the slight tremble in Liall's hands. “Is all this worry for me?” he asked, considerably moved.
    "I love you."
    "I can defend myself,” Scarlet reminded him, but was warmed by his declaration.
    "You are untainted by the habit of intrigue,” Liall said. “Perhaps you can defend yourself against bravos on a city street, or a brigand chief, but there are things in the shadows here that you would never think to guard against."
    Scarlet gripped the front of Liall's hapcoat. “If I knew who I was supposed to avoid, I would. You didn't tell me to be wary at dinner and then you were furious!"
    Liall's hand cupped the back of Scarlet's neck and worked at the tight knots of muscle there. “Please,” he pleaded softly. “Please say you agree."
    Scarlet sighed. “I promise not to wander and to fly from my cage only when Jochi is with me."
    Scarlet could feel the tension melting out of Liall's body. He pushed Liall away a

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