Land of Night
Prince Nazheradei's step-brother, and half-brother also to the Crown Prince Cestimir.” He bowed again politely, though his eyes bored into Scarlet's. “I bid you good evening, ser."
    Scarlet watched Jochi leave. Nenos moved into the room, scowling, and took the che pot. He offered Eleferi a dark look and a bow.
    Eleferi ignored him and seated himself in the chair that had been Jochi's. The prince fussily rearranged his silks—gold with a border of red—before speaking. “I apologize on behalf of all Rshan for what happened in the great hall,” he said airily. “These misunderstandings ... and the eastern nobles are always short of temper."
    A misunderstanding. Scarlet nodded stiffly and sat down. “I meant no offense,” he said, which was honest enough.
    "No, no. No offense,” Eleferi gushed, too heartily, his voice high and lilting, like a girl's.
    Scarlet disliked this Eleferi and he was certain he did not trust him, but at least he was pleasant, even if his manners were overdone. Like a house with too many colors of paint and none of it matching. Nenos returned with another steaming pot and a fresh cup for Eleferi. He poured while Dvi, the young cook, brought a tray of white pastries with flowers dusted on them in colored sugar. Eleferi took two on a small plate.
    "So tell me, where did you meet my brother?"
    Scarlet's nerves prickled. Questions about Prince Nazheradei are to be avoided, if possible . He chose to interpret Eleferi's question narrowly. “In Volkovoi. On a trade ship."
    "A trade ship! How exhilarating and romantic! Tell me more."
    He began to embroider vaguely, wondering when Liall would return and hoping it was soon. To Scarlet's great relief, Nenos never left the room.
    * * * *
    Prince Eleferi was teaching Scarlet to play a board game when Liall returned. The game was a complex system of carved pieces that moved in leaps and jumps on the board's squares, and Scarlet had nearly gotten the trick of thinking five moves ahead when the door opened.
    Eleferi fairly leapt from his chair to greet Liall, rattling off a fluid stream of Sinha. Nenos bowed and went into the kitchen,
    "He is not a guest,” Liall interrupted in Bizye, his voice cold. “It is not proper for you to be here."
    Scarlet wondered at Liall's temper, and Eleferi's face went tight in offense.
    "Forgive my impropriety,” Eleferi said, giving Liall an overly apologetic glance. “I thought to show ser Keriss a more hospitable face than he witnessed tonight, brother. I've been teaching him to play harts."
    "So I see.” Liall's expression was hard to decipher. “And where is Jochi?"
    Eleferi glanced at Scarlet briefly. “I dismissed him."
    "Did you?” Liall's tone was dangerous.
    Eleferi cleared his throat. “Well, I had best be going,” He bowed shortly to Scarlet. “Ser Keriss,” he said, and then bowed more deeply to Liall before leaving.
    Liall watched the door close, his lips flattened into a thin line. “Lascivious jackal,” he muttered and turned to Scarlet. “I tell you to stay out of trouble and here I return to find one of the essima at my own hearth?"
    Scarlet stifled his first answer, which would have been to tell Liall to go stuff himself, and coolly began moving the pieces back to their original squares. “He wouldn't have left, even if I'd asked. Should I have left instead? And what in Deva's hell is an essima?” He thought it sounded like their word for viper.
    "A serpent the color of snow,” Liall growled. “It is native to these lands, our only venomous animal."
    "What is ser Keriss? They keep calling me that."
    "I will tell you later. Now heed me: never allow Jochi to be dismissed, especially by the likes of that.” Liall stalked away to speak with Nenos in the kitchen.
    Scarlet gave up on rearranging the harts board and got up to stand in front of the fire. After several minutes, Liall joined him.
    "I crave your pardon, Scarlet,” Liall said at last. He put a warm hand on Scarlet's shoulder. “I

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