Kristen Blooming
uptight, pinched faced look the woman’s got to have a little fire in her, and how fun would it be to pervert a virgin?”
    “That does sound like fun,” Duncan answered, irritating Dylan by interrupting his attempt to aggravate Brandon. “And it’s not like the summer challenge down at the club is a go.”
    That had Brandon lowering his magazine as both he and Dylan turned slowly to stare across the desks to where Duncan sat. He was leaning back in his chair, his hands crossed behind his head as he appeared to contemplate the matter.
    “I mean, after all, since that dipshit Konor got Heather nominated as the prize, he kind of screwed us all out of having any fun this year. Isn’t that right, guys?”
    There was a chorus of head bobs and “yeahs” that echoed back after Duncan made that observation. He was, of course, referring to the Cattleman’s Club. The club catered to some specialized interests, mostly involving naked women at the male members’ beck and call, which was just why Dylan cherished his membership as his greatest possession.
    “That doesn’t exactly seem fair, does it?” Duncan asked, drawing Dylan’s attention back to him.
    He was still complaining about the challenge that the club put on every year. The game was simple. All a man had to do to win was seduce the woman who was known as the prize. Normally those prizes tended to be less than easy. This time they were impossible because the woman selected, Heather Lawson, was the sheriff’s own personal obsession.
    Everybody knew how Alex responded when one of his deputies slept with one of his obsessions. If they didn’t, all they had to do was ask Killian and Adam how much fun the night shift was. Nobody planned on joining them there, least of all Dylan. He had better things to do with his nights than work.
    Better things, like perverting a virgin.
    “I think he’s right.” Dylan knew he was about to piss off Brandon, but he liked to live dangerously. “Perverting a virgin sounds like a perfect in-house challenge.”
    “Everybody chips in five hundred buckles to the winner?” Duncan suggested, referring to the club’s own currency.
    “Why should the winner get anything?” Jason spoke up from his desk, joining the conversation while Brandon continued to fume. “Isn’t introducing a woman to the world of total pleasure reward enough?”
    “No.” Duncan snorted. “Virgins aren’t any good.”
    “What do you mean? If they’re no good, that means you didn’t train them right,” Jason shot back, starting an argument that had all the markings of growing bigger.
    That was without Brandon’s involvement. With his ears red and his face crunched up into a constipated look, Brandon jerked back around and plopped back down in his seat, pointedly ignoring everybody and making it clear he wasn’t about to get involved in their bet.
    Dylan kind of thought he wouldn’t be able to help himself, after all it was clear Brandon was sweet on the girl. Normally whoever caught Brandon’s attention caught Dylan’s as well, and he had to admit he was interested, especially when she came walking back through the station.
    Everybody fell silent, listening in as Alex wished her a good day and sent the woman on her way. It was clear from the way she avoided looking at anybody that she was either embarrassed or annoyed, probably both. She also couldn’t walk on those heels and looked absolutely ridiculous in them.
    In fact, she kind of looked like a child playing dress-up. A sweet kid, and Dylan felt a moment of guilt for unleashing the dogs behind him on her, but then he forgave himself. After all, he planned on keeping her safe from those dogs because nobody but either him or Brandon would be winning the challenge.

Chapter 4
    Kristen breathed a sigh of relief the second she escaped back out into the sunshine. Walking back through the lobby of the sheriff’s department had felt like walking through a gauntlet. There had been no denying the

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