Kindred Hearts

Read Kindred Hearts for Free Online

Book: Read Kindred Hearts for Free Online
Authors: Rowan Speedwell
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
down the stairs to say, “If Mr. Northwood would follow me?”


    “ Was that the door?” Ellen asked curiously.
    Charlotte glanced up at her companion from the letter she was reading. They had only just finished breakfast and retired to the drawing room. “Door?” she asked vaguely.
    “Yes, I’m quite sure I heard knocking. Who do you suppose it could be?”
    Charlotte thought. “Well,” she said, “it wouldn’t be Papa; he wouldn’t knock. Neither would Daniel, unless he’d lost his key. Neither Papa nor Daniel was particularly quiet this morning when they got home, so I doubt that either has gone out again. So I would have to say that I do not suppose it could be anyone. What time is it?”
    “Just past eight.”
    “Odd time to make calls,” Charlotte said, and went back to her letter. “Liesl says that she has some visitors from Naples. Apparently Mr. Murat is rethinking his alliance with the Austrians, and causing trouble with some of the Germans there. He is not making friends.”
    “I wouldn’t think so. What is he, Bonaparte’s brother-in-law? That family has no sensibility.” Ellen got up and went to the window, glancing down at the street. “Just a horse, so a gentleman. I suppose he must be looking for Daniel. Not one who knows him, at any rate; if he was a friend he would know Daniel is never awake before noon. So a stranger.”
    “My goodness,” Lottie said with a little laugh. “You are so logical! Calculating all that!”
    “Aren’t you curious?”
    “No,” Lottie said. “I do not think I am a curious sort. I imagine Jeppson will be in shortly to tell us who called. I have noticed that he does do that frequently.”
    “I should hope so,” Ellen said, and sat back down again, giving her charge a rueful smile. “You are so practical, Lottie.”
    Lottie just smiled serenely.
    To both their surprise, Jeppson appeared sooner rather than later. “Mr. Northwood to see you, ma’am,” he said to Charlotte. “Are you At Home to him this morning?”
    “Mr. Northwood?” Charlotte blinked in surprise. “Mr. Tristan Northwood?”
    “Yes, Lady Charlotte.” The butler presented a silver salver with a card on it. Ellen got up and took the card.
    “Tristan Northwood. Well, well, well.” She glanced at Charlotte. “Shall you meet him, then?”
    “I suppose I ought.”
    “I should advise Lady Charlotte that it appears that Mr. Northwood has been drinking.”
    “Oh, dear,” Ellen said, and looked indecisive. “Already?”
    Lottie laughed. “Oh, it’s probably ‘still’. Good heavens, someone’s always drinking around here. Send him up. I find that I am a curious sort after all.”
    “Charlotte, are you sure?” Ellen asked anxiously as Jeppson left the room. “It’s not a proper hour for calls, and if he has been drinking….”
    “My papa would not betroth me to anyone who is not a gentleman,” Charlotte said, as she set her embroidery aside. “Do ring for tea, Ellen, dear.”
    “Yes, of course,” Ellen said, flustered, and did so. A moment later they heard footsteps on the stairs, and Jeppson entered, followed by a tall young man.
    “Mr. Northwood,” Jeppson said.
    “Thank you, Jeppson.” Charlotte rose and crossed the room, her hand outstretched. “How do you do, Mr. Northwood?”
    “Fine, thank you.” He glanced from her to her companion. Charlotte took the hint.
    “Ellen, may I present Mr. Northwood? This, sir, is Mrs. Ellen Bayes, my companion.”
    “My pleasure.” Mr. Northwood bowed.
    Charlotte led the way back to the pair of chairs before the fireplace she and Ellen had occupied moments ago. “Will you take a seat, sir?”
    “Thank you.” He waited for her to sit, then followed suit.
    Charlotte regarded him thoughtfully. Handsomer than she’d expected; though there was a tired, dissipated look about the gray eyes, he

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