Kiamichi Refuge
around buying bread and milk. A major event would empty store shelves in no time. And if trucks can’t deliver more merchandise, things could get dicey pretty quick. So what should we do?”
    “If it gets bad, you grab Sarah and Valerie and get outta town. Make your way to the lodge. Don’t tell anyone where you’re going, either. You are the only one with family here in town, so if your folks and the Menaces will come, bring them, too.”
    In the meantime, get ready, Buy lots of ammo for your gun. In fact, buy another gun, at least one. Get a good pack and load it with all you can carry. I’ll email you a list of things that any bug-out bag should have. We’ll try to get Sarah and Valerie to prepare bags, too, but Val will be hard to convince, especially if she gets serious about her new guy.”
    You might try to find out all you can about him, and we’ll consider telling her to bring him, but for now, let’s keep it quiet around him.”
    Jen gathered up the food wrappers and stuffed them into her paper bag. “This is a lot to take in, all this disaster stuff, but it’s something that I’ve been stewing about for a while. I think, from some of the things she has said, that Sarah is concerned about it, too. Valerie has her head in the sand too much to see what’s coming, but I see what you’re saying. Something is brewing that just feels ominous. Let’s not wait for you to email me that bug-out bag list. Let’s just go buy a bag and you can help me put something together.”
    “Good idea. In fact, I tend to forget that Ernie’s book royalties are going into my bank account and just sitting there. Three BOBs, coming up, and I’m buying! We’ll start at BassPro, and pick up a few things at several different stores, so maybe nobody will start asking questions.”
    That evening, they all met for Chinese take-out at Jen’s condo. Kicking back in the cramped living room, the four discussed how each had spent her day.
    “School is almost out, and I am so looking forward to summer. This will be the first summer in years that I don’t have to spend running to conferences and workshops.” Sarah grinned. “I guess those budget cuts have a silver lining, after all.”
    “Well, you deserve some time off,” Valerie responded. “Things never seem to slow down at the office. You’d think they would, now that tax season is over, but we’re in the middle of a nasty audit. That IRS agent is determined to find a reason to hammer our client. She just keeps after us, even though she has been over the whole return at least three times.”
    “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to be a CPA. When do you take the test?” Jen asked.
    “Last week of this month. I’m ready, I think.” Valerie ran a hand through her cropped hair. “I know people who will taking it for the third time, but I need to pass it in one try. I want my own office after years of working to make my boss rich.”
    “I’m sure you’ll blow the top off that test.” Erin assured her. “I’ll be your first client when you hang that CPA sign out. With the inheritance, plus income from the books, my taxes aren’t so simple anymore.”
    “And speaking of inheritance, Erin bought us all something today. I helped her shop and put things together. We are all now the proud owners of our very own BOBs.” Jen dragged out two backpacks, placing one in front of Valerie and other beside Sarah.
    “Who’s Bob?” Valerie inquired.
    “B, O, B. It stands for bug-out bag. Of course, if you are away from home and trying to get back, it could also be called a “get-home bag.” Erin plopped down in the middle of the floor, and pulled Jen’s bag over. “We filled these with items that will help you get to safety in an emergency, like riots, or a terrorist attack.”
    “Well, surely that wouldn’t happen in Tulsa,” Valerie protested.
    “ Au contraire, dearie,” Jen corrected. “Tulsa has had riots. Just because something hasn’t happened in a

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