Just Shoot Me (Cowboy Way, #1)
her lower lip, and he had the sudden urge to do the same
thing. Dean jerked the keys out of her hand and opened the
    “ You’re not going to fit in there,”
She screeched. “That car is a mini.”
    Dean leaned down to gauge the odds of fitting
himself inside, and realized she was probably right. He cursed and
handed her the keys back. “Get your assistant to move
    “ She’s busy. I’ll do it. I think
part of the problem is these damned boots,” she informed, with a
wave of her small hand toward the boots. “They’re too big, and I
can’t get the clutch in far enough.” She sat back on the seat, and
tried to toe off one of the boots.
    After a minute, when she couldn’t remove them,
Dean bent to grab the boot. He put his hand behind her knee to get
leverage and she gasped. His eyes met hers, and he saw a look there
he hadn’t seen in a woman’s eyes for him in a long time. Interest.
Desire. His heart kicked in his chest, and she looked
    Dean swallowed hard, got a grip on his
suddenly active libido and the boot then pulled it. He held her leg
a moment longer than necessary, because he couldn’t resist taking
the opportunity to stroke the smooth, soft skin of her inner thigh
with his thumb. His dick got harder. With a growl he dropped her
leg, then picked up her other foot to remove the boot. When it slid
off, he noticed the size of her feet. His mother’s feet were small,
because she was petite too, but this woman’s foot was even smaller.
She was smaller.
    And that’s when it hit him, right between the
eyes. Tina Montgomery looked a lot like his mother. Acted like her
too. Even though she wasn’t young anymore, his mother was still
beautiful. She was the most amazing woman he’d ever known. The only
woman in the world he trusted. She didn’t get mad often, but when
she did you better find a place to hide. One thing he could count
on with her is she would always tell him how it was without holding
    Dean didn’t have a mommy complex or anything.
He usually preferred taller, leggier women too. But maybe that’s
what this strange attraction he was feeling toward Tina Montgomery
was about. Whatever it was, he didn’t have time for it. The feed
store was going to close.
    Dean knelt beside her and leaned inside the
car to study the gear shift. “Reverse looks to be down and over to
the left,” he informed her.
    He inhaled and her soft, flowery scent
surrounded him. It wasn’t overwhelming, it was subtle, but called
to something inside of him. The scent fit this woman perfectly.
Soft and feminine. Everything about Tina Montgomery screamed girl,
except her salty attitude. Cindy had the same attitude, only
coarser, and she had been tall and lanky. A country girl to the
core. This woman was her complete opposite. Maybe that was
the attraction.
    Dean leaned back out of the car so he could
get some fresh air. “Make sure it’s in neutral. That’s the center
position. Push in the clutch, hold the brake and start it. To put
it in reverse, push in on the stick with your palm, then move it
down and to the left. Ease your foot off the clutch at the same
time you release the brake.”
    “ Yes, sir, ” she said
sarcastically. His eyes flew to hers, and he was about to blast
her, but he saw hers held teasing laughter.
    Dean ignored the tug in his gut and stood to
hold the door open. “Give it a try.”
    She wiggled the gear shift to make sure it was
in neutral. He closed the door and stepped back to watch her fiddle
with the controls. The engine cranked smoothly, and she smiled out
the window at him. Dean’s lips automatically curved up too, and the
pull of his skin felt strange.
    After a few grinding tries, she finally found
reverse, and her smile widened. A light feeling developed in his
chest, and the skin on his cheeks stretched more. The car lurched
backwards a few feet, before it died. A laugh bubbled in his chest
when she frowned and pounded her tiny fist on the

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