Just Good Friends
have no other choice.”
    “ If it was me, I’d just go
and tell everyone to stay out of my business. Or, I’d refuse to go
if they continued to give me grief.”
    “ I’m not as strong as you. I
know I can’t please them all the time, but I hate knowing they’re
not happy.”
    “ And you think they’ll be
happy knowing you and Tyler aren’t dating once you get
    “ They’ll be fine as long as
my sister gets pregnant. Then they’ll be focused on
    After a moment, Amy nodded. “Okay. I
see your point. My parents could talk of little else but babies
when I was expecting. I think something happens to parents when
they realize they’ll be grandparents. But I still think they’ll
want to see you happy. For some reason, parents can’t imagine their
children being happy unless they’re married.”
    “ I want to get married. I
just want the right guy. Sometimes I date for fun until Mr. Right
comes along.” And sometimes, late at night when she couldn’t sleep,
it did worry her that she might not ever get married. But it wasn’t
like she could control when—or if—Mr. Right came into her
    Danielle came back and sat down. “Stop
being a gloom and doomer, Amy. She needs a date for the wedding, or
else her parents will be making her miserable. I say it’s a great
plan. Plus, she’ll enjoy it since she’s with a friend.”
    “ I just don’t want this to
backfire on her,” Amy said, turning to face Danielle.
    “ What could go wrong?”
Danielle kicked her feet back up on the desk and settled into a
comfortable position. “You know what I love most about these seats?
The massage function.”
    “ Is your mind always on your
own comfort?” Amy asked.
    “ Pretty much,” Danielle
admitted then glanced at Tiffany with a sheepish grin. “You might
as well know that I’m incredibly shallow.”
    “ And you wonder why I was so
excited when Tiffany came to work here,” Amy teased.
    “ I’m more than happy to have
her here. This way Nathan won’t have to worry that you’re working
too hard. I swear, that man pampers you like no one’s
    “ I chose to
    “ Right. Though I still can’t
figure out why. Here you are, stuck in this place, when you could
be enjoying an all-day shopping spree. I’ll never understand it.
But we were talking about Tiffany, not you. As I see it, this will
get her parents to back off, at least for a while. And who knows?
Maybe Mr. Right will pop up at any moment. He could even walk right
through that door in the very next instant.”
    Just as Danielle gestured to the door,
it opened and Tyler came in. Danielle quickly put her feet back on
the floor and turned to her computer monitor. Her quick maneuver to
look busy, however, wasn’t needed since Tyler didn’t even glance in
her direction.
    “ Are you ready to go?” he
asked Tiffany.
    Tiffany glanced at the clock. Was it
already 12:30? It didn’t seem like she’d been here half a day
already. She stood up and grabbed her purse and coat. “I’ll see you
when I get back from Montana,” she told Amy and
    “ Good luck on your trip,”
Amy called out.
    “ Yeah, good luck,” Danielle
added. “And Tyler, you have perfect timing.”
    Tiffany was sure her face went bright
red from Danielle’s comment.
    Tyler turned to Tiffany. “What is she
talking about?”
    “ Um, she just means we’re on
time for our flight,” Tiffany quickly answered and shoved him
toward the door.
    “ I suppose it could be taken
that way,” Danielle replied, wiggling her eyebrows. “Let us know
how things go. Now, I’m really interested.”
    Ignoring her, Tiffany followed Tyler
out of the small building.
    “ Are you ready for this?”
Tyler asked as he led her to his car.
    “ I should be asking you
    “ Sure. I’m
    He shot her that familiar supportive
smile, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d still be smiling
once the weekend was over because she was already

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