longer show the respect for them that needs to be shown.
That is also true of familiarity with people.
I know that many people don't understand why spiritual leaders cannot always become “buddy-buddy,” so to speak, with those to whom they minister. Many times if people come to know their spiritual leaders too well, they no longer see them in the position they need to be in to provide the help that is needed. It is human nature to begin to devaluate things that are too readily available.
In this passage in Mark 6, Jesus had gone to His hometown of Nazareth. When He began to preach in the synagogue there, many people were offended at Him. They recognized Him as the son of Mary. They knew His brothers and sisters. Their familiarity with Him caused them to be irreverent and disrespectful toward Him. As a result, His power to help them was limited, and He healed only a few sick people.
Sometimes a pastor can pray and pray for someone in his congregation without that person ever getting a breakthrough. Then a visiting evangelist can come into the church and pray for that individual, and he is healed immediately.
Why is that? Is the evangelist more anointed or more powerful than the pastor?
No, the reason is that the sick person sees the evangelist in a different way from the way he sees his pastor. He sees his pastor every week, so he becomes “good old Pastor Joe.” Everyone loves him and thinks he is a great guy, but they don't put the faith in him that they put in someone they don't know.
Maybe the reason is that they have seen their pastor be human once in a while. Maybe they have seen him yell at his kids or be a little grouchy. So all of a sudden they can't handle the fact that he is a “regular person” just like themselves.
But what the people don't see is that the evangelist did similar kinds of things before he came to their church to minister!
Familiarity Lessens Respect
Is not this the Carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Are not His sisters here among us?
And they took offense at Him and were hurt [that is, they disapproved of Him, and it hindered them from acknowledging His authority]….
Mark 6:3
Sometimes when a person gets saved and receives a call of God upon his life, his family members and relatives cannot accept that call.
Do you know why? The reason is that they are too familiar with him. They know him too well to give him the respect they should.
As we have seen in this passage, that can happen to anyone, even Jesus. The Bible says that even His own brothers did not believe in Him. (John 7:5.)
I still have relatives who cannot receive my ministry the way other people do. Some of them have even told me, “You may be a hotshot now, but I knew you when….”
Often some people won't let us get over our past. But the Bible says that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away, and all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV.)
We don't want to become so familiar with the Name of Jesus that we just throw it around thoughtlessly without any understanding that there is more to it than speaking the Name.
I don't know about you, but when I speak the Name, “Jesus,” I can actually feel the anointing that is upon it. When I speak it in my meetings, people get saved, healed and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Those kinds of results are not limited to people in ministry. That is why I have a deep desire for every believer to understand about having reverence and respect for that glorious Name. When we do, we open ourselves up to the power in the Name—power to handle our own circumstances and to minister super-naturally to others.
And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross!
Therefore [because He stooped so low] God has highly exalted Him and has freely