Jennifer's Eggnog

Read Jennifer's Eggnog for Free Online

Book: Read Jennifer's Eggnog for Free Online
Authors: Jake Malden
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
enthusiast of
juicing, in every possible sense.
out more about Jake Malden and his writing here.

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    Further Jake Malden Titles Available on Amazon:
    The Gavin McClain Stories Vol.1
    Daniella Bound
    The Jared Effect

    The Jared Enigma
    No Mercy

    Gabrielle and the Devil

    The Tempting of Neely J

    Excerpt from The Tempting of Neely J
    Her hand reached out to Ray to reassure that she wasn’t
repelled by the sight or by his rashness. It kept going till her fingers
brushed his hand, easing it away, so that her fingers slithered over the hot
taut surface and closed around him as far as they would go. Till she took firm
hold of Ray Archer’s ‘throbbing fuck-stick’. So much was happening so fast, she
thought she’d faint from the drumming in her head. But maybe this way she could
help her boy, diffuse the crippling tension that existed between them. “Let me
do it,” she said. “I want to.”
    Ray leaned back on both elbows and stared in amazement of his
own. She was sure the look she shot him was piteous—that the girl within was
belying all her womanly efforts. His erection genuinely throbbed under her
grip. She could feel the hot flesh pulse as she drew her hand up and down that
thick shaft. It was wonderful, watching her own slim fingers gliding all over
the implacably hard male sex organ, feeling its contained power beneath her
palm—from the cushioning of the balls all the way up the thick-veined column to
the summit and back again. She could feel the pulse of life within it. This was
a thing alive , she marvelled, with its own amoral agenda, a throbbing
engine driving the man. Only, she had sparked it. She was the one who had
brought it growling to life. The thought terrified her, yet filled her with a
strange pride. An exultant sinful pride. Ray’s jaw had dropped, his breath was
a shallow panting. She, Neely Jordan, was responsible for this man’s torment.
Surely only she could properly relieve it.
    “You like that, baby? I’m not doing it too hard?”
    She gasped anew as Ray reached and wrapped his big hand around
hers, squeezing it tighter to his cock. “Hard as you fucking like, darling,” he
said with a breathy grin, shunting her hand briskly up and down, so that they
wanked his pole as one. “There, isn’t it nice to do things together, babe?” His
voice was full of playful lust. “Having fun yet?”
    “Yes. Yes, I am.” Oh God.  She wasn’t sure which she
felt more—benevolent or slutty—but she was having, she thought with a flash of
guilt, the most tremendous fun of her life. Her voice shook with excitement and
she could hardly keep the smile from creeping onto her lips in response to his
    “Do it on your own,” he told her, releasing his grip. “Hard
like that. I want to feel you do it.”

    Excerpt from Daniella Bound
    For Daniella all was darkness. The sleep mask he had slipped
over her eyes encased her in velvet black. Every other sense was heightened.
    The soft whirring of the fan and rustle of his clothing, as he
crossed his legs perhaps, or shifted in his seat. The scent of honeysuckle
through the open window and the sharp tang of cologne whenever he drew close.
The prickle of cooling sweat on her exposed skin every time the fanned air
brushed her. And the tautness of knotted bonds around both her wrists and her
ankles. Hell, she almost felt his eyes on her. They were patrolling her body for
sure, calm and alert. Enjoying her. Consuming her.
    But more intense than all was the soft, insistent buzz between
her legs, a sensation over which he had complete control. He had plucked her
panty crotch aside to insert the slim vibrator lovingly inside her, and those
panties, the one garment he had left her wearing, held it in place as it burred
and fizzed. Currents of

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