It'll Come Back...

Read It'll Come Back... for Free Online

Book: Read It'll Come Back... for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Richardson
Tags: Zombies
woman out of her misery. She had nothing. All she could do was carry on and get her fellow passengers to safety.
    ‘Get inside!’ she yelled at the others ahead of her.
    BG reached the doors first. They swung open – electric-bloody-doors!
    ‘We can’t hide in there,’ said BG. ‘The doors will swing open every time one of those bloody things comes along!’
    With the High Street to the right swarming with the Dead, Kate continued round to the left.
    ‘This way. Quick!’ she said, and the group staggered down towards the bus station, past the crashed buses, past the bike shop across the road. She had no idea where she was headed – she just hoped inspiration would strike.
    In the distance, Kate saw that the bus station was no longer a bus station, but a battlefield. Blood splattered the clear plastic shelters that ran down the length of the large station, body parts lay on the forecourt where the buses usually came and went. A few buses sat in their bays waiting for passengers that would never come, others had attempted to escape the carnage at the same time and had backed into each other. As she ran, Kate glanced at one of the buses to see its dead passengers slamming their bloodied hands against the doors and windows, their teeth bared as they watched her and the others. She doubted it would take them long to get out.
    A mob of the Dead at the other end of the bus station, a few in high vis vests, had spotted them and were lumbering in their direction. Kate glanced back the way they had come to see that the Dead had followed them from the High Street.
    ‘They’re going to cut us off,’ said BG.
    ‘What are we going to do?’ shrieked Screamer.
    ‘Shhh,’ said Kate, ‘or you’ll bring even more to us!’
    ‘We’re not armed well enough to get through that lot,’ said BG. His briefcase was slick with blood, and the umbrella that Kate clutched had bent slightly.
    Kate spotted the back doors of Topshop were open. ‘In there!’ she called to the others.
    They each swerved towards the shop. Outside, Kate stopped to let BG, Screamer and the old lady head inside the store and, while they tumbled down the steps and onto the shop floor, Kate swung the glass doors shut, holding on to them as the Dead approached.
    ‘Help me get these doors secure,’ she called to the others, aware it wouldn’t be long before a mob of dead, hungry commuters and early bird shoppers would reach them.
    She turned and darted down the steps into the store, her head snapping left and right as she scanned the area for something to use to secure the doors.
    ‘Here,’ said Screamer.
    Kate watched as the young girl pulled a row of t-shirts on hangers off a silver rail, tossed the clothes to the floor, and then yanked the empty rail from its wall fitting. She held the rail aloft like a prize.
    ‘Well done,’ said Kate. ‘Good thinking!’
    Screamer practically flew up the steps and slid the long metal pole through the handles. The pole rattled as the first of the Dead began pounding on the doors, but it held. BG grasped a freestanding wooden clothes rail and dragged the heavy thing, clothes and all towards the back of the shop, while Screamer came down to help him carry it up the steps to the doors.
    ‘I’ll go and make sure the front–’ A growl from somewhere in the store cut Kate off. ‘Shit,’ she whispered.
    Kate, holding the umbrella aloft, put her fingers to her lips to quieten the others. BG and Screamer stopped like a couple of mannequins in the shop window, mid-hoist and both stared wide-eyed at Kate, while the old lady made to follow after her. Kate shook her head at the old lady. ‘Stay,’ she mouthed at her, and turned and edged her way further into the store.
    Kate hadn’t got far when she felt a presence. She turned and saw BG and the old lady creeping up beside her, both holding metal rails that they must have removed from their wall fixings. Kate nodded to them and together they peered cautiously around racks

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