Island of the Cavemen: Huge Size Caveman Erotica
to see me, sir?"
    For a long while, he ignored the question, but just as Amanda opened her mouth to speak again, he turned in his chair, and his dark eyes met hers.  Even though he was sitting, Amanda felt suddenly very small, like a little girl in the principal's office.
    "Why did you leave without asking permission?" Fabien asked.
    "I didn't know I needed it," she said.
    "This is your workplace," Fabien said.  "Not your home.  You may not have known to ask, but a reasonable person would have at least mentioned she was leaving, don't you agree?"
    Amanda looked down and discovered that she was wringing her hands.  She forced them apart, but she couldn't make herself meet Fabien's gaze.  "Yes, Monsieur Perreault."
    Fabien stood.  "Then why did you do it?  I would hate to think I hired an unreasonable person."
    Amanda said nothing, and Fabien paced slowly around the desk until he stood beside her.  He smelled of oiled leather and rich, dark spices, and she could feel his eyes on her, sharp as razors.  In that moment, Amanda knew that lying would be foolish, but she was terrified of telling him what had happened.
    "Does it have to do with your lie about swimming?" he asked.
    Amanda's flinch betrayed the answer, and Fabien nodded.
    "I won't tolerate dishonesty in my household staff," he said.  "Put your hands on the desk."
    Amanda's hands shook as she placed them on the polished wood.  She had to bend over a little, and Fabien stepped behind her, out of her sight.
    "Stick out your bottom," he told her.
    Amanda closed her eyes and swallowed; she suspected what was coming, but she felt powerless to stop it.  In her head, Mandy's voice was quiet with disbelief.   You're really going to let him do this to you?  It's his wife's fault!   But Amanda didn't have to let Monique go as far as she did.  And wouldn't it be worse to betray that now?
    Fabien spoke into her ear in a soft voice.  "Do you want to keep working here, Amanda?" he said.
    "Yes," she said.
    Fabien's open hand swatted her ass, a hard strike that made her yelp and stand up as a deep, sharp prickle spread across her flesh.
    "Put your hands back down," he said.
    Amanda was breathing fast, and her whole body shook with anger and fear, but she put her hands back down and waited.  In her head, Mandy whimpered briefly, then fell silent.  She  did  want to keep working there, she realized, despite Monique's seduction, despite what Fabien was doing to her now.  Something deep inside her told her that leaving now would only lead to regret.
    So she pressed her hands down on the desk and braced herself for whatever came next.
    It came swiftly.  Three sharp strikes, each harder than the last, the pain building on itself like waves rolling in on a beach.  She could hear Fabien breathing hard behind her.
    "Pull down your pants," he said in a voice tight with excitement.
    The Master, the Madame, and the Mistress  is available on

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