Invasion of the Dead (Book 3): Escape

Read Invasion of the Dead (Book 3): Escape for Free Online

Book: Read Invasion of the Dead (Book 3): Escape for Free Online
Authors: Owen Baillie
Tags: Zombies
there were no mirrors. His fingers touched the wound, and when he pulled them away, sticky blood covered the tips. Dylan shuddered.
    He emptied his bladder, left the cubicle, and headed towards the others standing on a gravel mound at the edge of the clearing. Kristy stood beside Greg with her arms folded. Dylan recalled the incident back at the base that would eventually cost his life. Had Greg deliberately left him to die? Had his act caused Dylan to get bitten? They were questions to which answers, at this point, were impossible. Dylan’s gut told him there was something in it, but when he considered all Greg had done for them, saving their lives on multiple occasions, it didn’t make sense. It was difficult, though, to shrug off the image of Greg’s face as he turned for the door, leaving Dylan to die.
    But he came back.
    He reached the group and stood amongst the long weeds beside Callan. They were looking down at a panoramic view of the Yass Township. The structure of the settlement was spread across several miles, dotted by trees, and flanked by a golf course in the distance. The Yass River cut through like a python, its body thick on the outskirts of town and thinning to a narrow tail beyond the spillway as it wound its way through the center of town. Smoky columns rose from several buildings. The occasional crash or boom floated to them. There was no movement of cars or people. The main street wasn’t visible, but there were plenty of stalled vehicles on the outskirts. The most obvious thing was the smell, the slow decay of the dead and rotting food almost unbearable.
    “Seems quiet,” Greg said.
    Callan shuffled. “Yeah. But the bastards are down there.” He looked up at the sky. “I still think we can make it in and out before dark.”
    “No,” Kristy said. “Not tonight. We have one torch. If we get stuck …”
    “I’m with Kristy,” Evelyn said. “I think we stay here and go in the morning. We’ve got enough to get us through the night. Who has the energy to do anymore today?”
    Callan considered this. “I suppose.”
    Sarah called out from the van. Kristy left and Dylan relaxed, as though she couldn’t discover his secret. A day ago, he’d have never dreamed of such a thing. The notion stung him with sadness, and he doubted keeping it from her. Holding onto secrets was poison. Eventually, it caught up to you. He learned that with Johnny and Sherry, who had betrayed Callan with their affair in the most deceitful way. The truth had been revealed in the end, and to what good? As he moved away, leaving the others to continue their discussion, a voice stopped him.
    “Hold up.” Klaus approached, adjusting his glasses. “I’ve been watching you since we left the facility. Is everything okay? You don’t seem your usual self.”
    Dylan started to respond. Did the scientist know something? Were the symptoms that obvious? Maybe he was changing quicker than Johnny did. Perhaps he should tell Klaus. He could help. He’d keep the secret. He needed to be alone, to collect his thoughts, and decide what to do next. He turned for the camper. “I’m fine.”
    Klaus jogged after him. Dylan stopped, and Klaus pulled in close. “No you’re not. Agitation. Reticence. Irritability. They’re all sym—”
    “There’s nothing wrong with me,” Dylan snapped. Klaus raised his eyebrows. Dylan cursed himself for endorsing Klaus’ suggestion.
    Klaus reached out and took Dylan’s hand. “Your capillaries are enlarged.” Dylan pulled away. “Tell me what happened before it’s too late.”
    That was it. He knew. Somehow, he knew. Dylan glanced around to make sure the others weren’t watching. “I’ve been bitten.”
    A shriek sounded from the van. A zombie, its skin paper-thin and gaping with sores, shuffled out of the bushes, hooked hands clawing at the air. Jake was closest, standing by the doorway. He didn’t make a sound, but bumbled backwards and fell onto the gravel. The thing staggered forward

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