Invasion of Kzarch

Read Invasion of Kzarch for Free Online

Book: Read Invasion of Kzarch for Free Online
Authors: E. G. Castle
Tags: Science-Fiction, Military, War, alien invasion, Space Marine
    The platoon had spent what remained of the previous Kzarchian day, as well as half of the current one, traveling towards their new destination, hiding in trucks they had ‘borrowed’. However, as hidden as they were, all of them had been expecting an attack from the pirates’ Blastfires. And certainly, to at least detect them going by overhead.
    “They could just be being cautious. They already lost one Blastfire to us.”
    “And have eleven more!”
    “We only have the mayor’s word for that. And I don’t… That is, I’m not sure how, ah, accurate her information could be.”
    Frank’s lips twitched, despite himself.
    “True. Still, it makes sense to assume the pirates have more than less, regardless of what they actually have.”
    “Yes, sir.” McKain’s voice indicated complete agreement.
    The lieutenant then said hopefully, “In any case, it looks like we may get to our destination without too much trouble.”
    “Hopefully, sir.” The sergeant’s voice was doubting.
    “Mad, you are not to simply shoot at anything that attracts your attention. We do not have the missiles for that. Clear?” His second-in-command was silent. Bloody Jack’s hand dropped to the gun strapped to his waist.
    “ CLEAR? ”
    “Yes, Bloody,” she finally grumbled.
    “Good. Remember,” he hated to have to repeat himself, but with Mad annoyed it was probably worth it. “Keep the Blastfires circling. With your sensors, you should be able to spot the Marines before they get too close. Then immediately com me.”
    “I know , Jack.”
    He frowned at her.
    “ Bloody Jack,” she corrected.
    “If you get a positive confirmation of the Marines on the sensors, and only then, you can fire. Clear?”
    “Clear,” she glumly said, obviously feeling he was sucking the fun out of things.
    Minutes later, as Bloody Jack watched her leave, he wondered how badly she was going to disobey him. Being the way she was, the only question was by how much.
    Then he shrugged. As long as she didn’t waste too many missiles killing civilians, he’d ignore it.
    “Sir? I think you should see this…”
    They had traveled quite a distance over the last several hours, heading towards the planet’s capital. The journey had remained fairly boring so far, but, as the more experienced troopers informed the less, that was only to the good.
    Even so, the trip had the platoon more on edge then usual, with a constant underlying tension. They simply couldn’t know when the pirates might find them and attack.
    Getting up, Frank clumsily made his way to the front of the truck. Although he was used to moving in unpowered armor, doing so in a bouncing truck was no easy task.
    Peering through the small window set between the front of the truck and its back, the lieutenant wondered what the driver, Sergeant Von Hervitz, wanted.
    “Yes? What is it?”
    “Sir, look over there.” The sergeant pointed ahead, out the windshield.
    Frowning, Frank did.
    “That’s… What is that?”
    “I think it’s a Blastfire. And if you keep watching…” Doing so, Frank saw the Blastfire wing away around one side of the horizon… then a minute later, another appeared on the other side.
    “ Shit . They’re guarding the capital.”
    “I think so, sir. Also, they’re doing so pretty far out. They’re covering at least a hundred-fifty mile circle.”
    “Right. Good work, Abe. McKain!”
    “Yes, sir?” The so-far silent figure in the passenger seat spoke up.
    Although he was surprised, having assumed the platoon sergeant had been in the back, Frank continued smoothly.
    “What do you think? Should we continue to the guerrillas? Or will the pirates be screening them as well, in case we try to make contact? After all, they are supposedly near the capital.”
    McKain hesitated before saying anything.
    “Well… Actually, sir, for all we know, perhaps the pirates already exterminated them.”
    The lieutenant blinked. He genuinely

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