Intimate Whispers

Read Intimate Whispers for Free Online

Book: Read Intimate Whispers for Free Online
Authors: Dee Carney
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
realizing he’d closed them in the first place. His shoulders ached, his neck stiff as if he’d been in the same uncomfortable position for hours. A quick roll of his shoulders eased some of the tension, but new pings of protesting muscles screamed for his attention too. He looked up to find Sabrina standing next to him, a glass of water extended.
    “You okay?” she asked.
    Biting back a moan, he nodded. “Yeah. What time is it and what happened?” She waited for him to take the glass. “Think of it like meditation. I went into a sort of trance and you followed.”
    He gulped down some of the cool liquid. “Did it work, then?” Leaning forward, he searched for the paper she’d been writing on, but Sabrina shifted until she blocked his path. A gap appeared in her robe, offering enough of a teasing view that his gaze dropped, lest she find him ogling. Despite a fevered imagination having to work overtime with an image of what he hoped he’d seen, like clockwork, his dick lifted.
    “It worked,” she replied, her voice like silk.
    His ears perked because he knew the dulcet tones of a woman’s seductive voice.
    The one that gave him permission to touch her body, explore her intimate places. When he swallowed this time, it had nothing to do with the glass of water.
    He glanced at her and swallowed again. Sabrina’s eyes were bright, the pupils dilated until the color of her irises could have passed for black. She brought her finger to her lip to trace the lower rim. Her hand drifted lower, over her chin and trailed down her neck, moving lower still until she pulled that teasing gap open a little wider.
    “Hey…” His words caught in his throat. Really, he had nothing to offer. Nothing any red-blooded man with a lick of sense staring down a beautiful woman would say.
    She reached for his jaw, and when she connected, a burst of fire enveloped his skin.
    “You have the most incredible eyes, you know.” Heat traveled along his skin, a wake of burn following her touch. “They’re so unique. Mesmerizing.” 23

    Dee Carney
    The skin along his face never felt more sensitive. His heartbeat hinging on whether she kept her finger connected to him. Something about this didn’t sit well. This sudden interest in him. But damn if he could get his mind to concentrate long enough to sort the details.
    Her scent wafted to him and he realized she’d moved closer. Not just closer.
    Electricity crackled in the sparse places they didn’t quite touch. Very few places.
    Sabrina wedged herself between his legs, her body sliding against his with casual ease. The gap in her robe widened even farther, exposing a smooth, soft belly. A delicate indentation he wanted to dip his tongue inside nestled farther down in the middle. Below there he didn’t dare look. Not yet.
    “What—” What are you doing, he almost asked, but held his tongue. He knew exactly what she was doing. Hazy eyes, parted lips, suggestive proximity all exposed her intentions. Somewhere between his brain and his mouth, a short-circuit deliberately made certain he didn’t put an end to it.
    Her breath fanned against his skin, tickled along his neck and he opened himself to it. Encouraged her lips to touch down and press delicate kisses. His jaw tightened, his fingers gripping on to the stool beneath him with a determination of a man on the edge of the Earth, ready to tumble over.
    He wanted this woman. Wanted her naked beneath him. Wanted to plunge himself into her wetness until they were both spent and satisfied and desperate for more. And by some mercy, she wanted him too.
    Sculpted nails scraped along his chest, leaving trails of tiny red wheals behind. He didn’t know at what point they’d managed to start the process of discarding his shirt, but the plunk of buttons hitting the floor meant they still worked together on freeing him. His chest would be bare soon, if he had anything to do with it, his lower half to follow suit. He knew damn good and well already

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