Insider X
to the back of house setup.  Any problem that arose, and he’d make a call.  He didn’t know how to fix even the simplest network issue.  And from what she could tell, the outside group that kept things running wasn’t any hotshot tech support team either.
    Usually it was a young tech who’d arrive to fix things.  He’d go to the next room, which was where the servers were.  She’d seen the room on two occasions.  Once, when she got up to ask a question, and another time when she arrived a little early.  The first time, when she’d asked the question, she’d gotten in trouble for getting up, but it was worth it to find out where the tech went.  What she saw was a room not much bigger than a closet.  The tech stayed for an hour and left.  Problem solved.  He came back about every two or three weeks to fix other problems.  Usually it was an internet connectivity issue, which he resolved.
    There was no pricey technical infrastructure.  Just the two servers in the closet, and fifty-two desktops.  That was the sum total of the gear.  The software on the computers was bare bones.  The operating systems and graphical user interface could all be copped for free from the Internet, if you knew where to download it from, and Na did know.  Everything about this setup was cheap. 
    Cheap, cheap, cheap.  Went the little birdy.
    With a minimal investment she could replicate this entire operation.  She took plenty of notes in her head.  And during her downtime at home she changed her routine.  Her reading habit went on the backburner.  Or at least the free romance ebooks she normally consumed.  Instead, she filled her waking hours reading technical manuals and teaching herself how to type using all her fingers.  She’d never bothered to learn the correct way, but it was worth it to know now, and it made her much more efficient.
    Efficiency was the key to this gig.  Not that bossman had a clue how to make this business more efficient.  In some ways, it was almost like he didn’t care.  He never gave instructions, or shared best practices that would help the others.  It was everyone for themselves.  Employees were left to figure out the best system that worked for them.
    In the first month on the job, Na had a breakthrough.  Learning to type the conventional way was one thing, but she learned another trick that was infinitely more valuable.  It just took a little more investment of time in the beginning, but once that was done it was a snap.
    Like the post she just left from Bubba on ‘Game Zone’. 
    Best damn game hands down.  I pulled it from the box and two days later I came up for air.  This game F-ing rocks!!!!
    Taking a second look at it, she realized she could do even better.  She decided to add a second post beneath, also from Bubba.
    Days of War and Resident Evil ain’t got notin’ on this!!!!!  You want balls to the wall, full on action, ralph in your pants it feels so real… then get this game.  GEETTT ITTT!  It F-ing rocks!!!!
    She took a screen shot, put it in the chit folder, and tapped enter.  Her post appeared beneath Bubba’s last post.  Technically, she’d get credit for two posts now, not just one, which was a bonus.
    Not that she was getting paid today.  Or this week for that matter, due to bossman being a Class A unmentionable.  But she tried to ignore that part.  She didn’t want that garbage cluttering her head.
    Bossman was a ‘bad guy’ (big understatement there), and very soon he was going to get what was coming to him.  She just wasn’t ready, yet.  There were still a few remaining pieces she needed before she could say adios , sayonara, see ya later sucka .  She focused on the chits.  She needed to get through them.  And it was a good thing she had her system.  It made things go very quickly.
    What used to take five or seven minutes, now took less than twenty seconds.  To leave a post on Game Zone she had to be a member, and to do that she needed

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