
Read Insatiable for Free Online

Book: Read Insatiable for Free Online
Authors: Opal Carew
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, Adult
Renee going with you?”
    The light turned green and they started across the road.
    “No, actually, she suggested I…” She hesitated, unsure how to ask him.
    “What did she suggest?”
    “She suggested that I invite you.”
    His expression didn’t change. “Really. And what did you say?”
    They approached the hotel entrance and the doorman opened the door for them. As they crossed the lobby, she sent him a sidelong glance.
    “I told her that I didn’t want to give you the wrong impression.”
    “And that would be?”
    “That I’m ready to move forward with a relationship. Especially after … what you said … before the wedding.”
    They stepped into a waiting elevator and the doors closed with just the two of them inside.
    “That I love you,” Evan said.
    It was the first time they had talked about his proclamation of love since he’d made it. They hadn’t really dealt with it then, and now things had changed. Drastically. But that didn’t mean she could just accept his love and move forward. She needed time to figure things out.
    He took her hand and turned to face her. “Crystal, I understand that you just had your whole world pulled out from under you. You need time to adjust. To think things through.” His fingertips stroked the back of her hand, sending tingles through her. “Of course, I hope that you’ll consider giving me a chance, but I know that will take time.” He smiled. “And if you decide to invite me, I’ll be happy to go. Thrilled, in fact. But I won’t assume that means anything more than that you’d like a friend along. Someone to help you get through this.” He squeezed her hand. “I’d like to be that friend.”
    She nodded. She wanted him to be that friend, too. Because she knew she could depend on him. And she wasn’t kidding herself at all about the fact that she’d love to have a wild, passionate fling with him. The sex this afternoon had been stupendous, and she wanted more of the same.
    Was that selfish of her? To want this man to put his feelings on hold to satisfy her whim?
    He smiled and kissed the back of her hand. “Well, don’t keep me in suspense. Am I being invited or what?”
    “Evan, I can’t promise anything. Somehow it doesn’t seem fair to—”
    Suddenly she found herself in his arms, his lips moving on hers. His tongue swept into her mouth and seared her with his passion. Then he gazed down at her, his green eyes warm.
    “Life is rarely fair.” He grinned. “But I must say, in this instance, the benefits far outweigh any negatives. And I think taking a vacation with you can only work in my favor. Because, gorgeous, with two weeks to work my magic on you, I think you might just be a convert by the end.”
    Her heart thumped in her chest and she sucked in air. He was probably right.
    “I can’t make any promises.”
    The elevator stopped and the doors opened.
    “The only promise I’d like you to make is that you’ll keep an open mind,” he said. “Deal?”
    She nodded and he captured her lips again.
    “Great. Now, let’s go get ready for the honeymoon.”
    *   *   *
    Brent opened his eyes to sunlight glaring in his face. He sat up, and his head felt as if it was cracking open. Some God-damned bird twittered outside, sending the pain up several notches. He shoved back the hair hanging in his eyes and stood up.
    Damn. His knees felt rubbery, and his head throbbed even more. He dropped back onto the bed again, wondering just how many drinks he’d had last night. He raked his hand through his hair. Clearly, too damn many.
    He gritted his teeth as the bird continued to sing. How could anybody or anything be so freaking happy on a miserable day like today?
    Sure, the sun shone brightly and the sky was clear of clouds, but … damn it, right now he should be on his honeymoon with the woman he loved, not alone in a hotel along the highway suffering from a mega-hangover.
    His heart compressed at the memory of Crystal in Evan’s arms,

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