Inherited War 3: Retaliation
ensure our continued survival for generations to come. There will be many hard choices to make and dirty thankless jobs to do. You all have a choice to make, here and now before we go further. Some will and have asked, why you ? Why do I get to lead and make decisions? Why is it my way or leave? One reason—because I have the will and the means to make it so. This base is mine, the ships are mine, and they will follow me. Why? Because, like you, I freed them. I gave them the choice, the same choice I now give you. Follow me and stay, or take your portion of what our ancestors left and go. Those that choose to go will be given a ship, currency, supplies, and weapons. You can go wherever you want. We even have a few AIs that have volunteered to travel with anyone that wishes to leave. The only catch is that after we find our new world, it must be kept a secret. Anyone wishing to return to us will never leave again. Those who wish to stay will fall under my authority until such time as we have a world to call home and can create an effective government. You all have plenty of time to decide. Stay and weigh your options, and if you want to go, I will have the dry docks build you a ship that will be heavily armed and defended while retaining speed and comfort. I have access to galactic credits to fund you, and you will be given guns and ammo, suits and food.” Cole had everyone’s attention and was absorbing it with a newfound zeal for more. This was power, true power. The power to mold and shape living beings. Anyone could fire a gun or captain a ship. True power lay in capturing that gun wielder and shaping him to your cause.
    “No vote will be taken on this matter. It will be up to you on an individual basis. If you stay, you want my leadership. If you go, you go. As far as a representative government goes, I will bend slightly on it. You all live in these four sections of the base. There are roughly the same amount of you in each section. Find someone you can agree upon and he or she will be your point of contact and will liaise with myself. Any complaints or suggestions will go to them and they will bring it to me. Once a week I will meet with them and hear what you have to say. Once we have a permanent home, we will establish a civilian government. For now, the military runs things, and I run the military. With that said, I open the floor to questions and comments.” Cole took a sip of water from the glass in front of him and settled back as he waited for the deluge of voices he expected to hear wash over him.
    The former senator and current pain in Cole’s ass stood and demanded to be heard first. Of all the humans Cole had rescued from imprisonment on the Esii home world, this guy was one Cole wished he would have left. Shit, the guy had tried to pull off a coup in the middle of a holding action when the Esii were constantly attacking their position. Split and West held him off long enough for Cole to awake from a coma and knock some perspective into his brain. The man grated on his nerves and constantly plotted his fall. He was the epitome of a U.S. politician.
                            “If I may, Commander,” he politely asked. Everything was always polite and nice to your face but alone and in small groups, he was always spewing his poison. Cole nodded in his direction. “As most of you know, I was a Senator back on Earth. I have no small experience dealing with just the type of things we are talking about here today. Order, governments, and the setting up of committees and groups to oversee tasks. Please keep me in mind as you choose your section liaison to the Commander. Secondly, as Senator from the great State of California, I am a firm believer in equality and fairness, and as such, believe we are due some answers from our leadership.”
    “Out with it,” Cole stated.
    “Yes, yes, but of course.” He turned to face the majority of the crowd. He linked his hands and rested them on his chin

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