Infected: They Will Eat You!: A Story of Family Survival in a Zombie Apocalypse

Read Infected: They Will Eat You!: A Story of Family Survival in a Zombie Apocalypse for Free Online

Book: Read Infected: They Will Eat You!: A Story of Family Survival in a Zombie Apocalypse for Free Online
Authors: Donel Gillies
Tags: Zombies
items. The truck was so full that on the way home we were literally sitting on or had things sitting on all of us.
    We passed by Wal-Mart and could see that the parking lot had filled up. Giant and K-mart were the same. All of the drug stores looked full as well. Every place where you could buy supplies of any kind were busy. I was glad we started early.
    When we got home Christine was there and unpacked. The difference in what we each bought was amusing. Comparing the volume we each got was hysterical. I had almost two truck loads full she had seven grocery bags.
    “I knew you were getting stuff” she said, “so I just got a few things I thought you would forget or that I especially wanted.”
    “It’s OK. I just think it’s funny.” I said and went to putting our supplies away.
    The boys and I started taking things to the basement. I wanted to get everything inside as quickly as possible so we had just carried it in and piled it up. That didn’t sit well with Christine but she accepted it as ‘temporary’. We had things stacked in the living room, dining room and kitchen, now we were moving it to the basement or wherever it needed to be stored.
    “Turn the TV on so we can see if anything new’s going on.” I said to Caleb as I passed him going into the basement.
    When I came back I found Caleb and Jesse sitting watching the TV.
    “That doesn’t look good does it?” I said as I stood and watched.
    “No.” came out of both boys simultaneously.
    We were watching buildings burning and people running in one scene and then desolate streets in another. I didn’t stop long enough to be able to get the jest of it all, I had supplies to store away.
    “Keep me posted on what’s going on.” I said as I went back to work.
    As I would pass by one boy or another would give me an update. Most of the information was a rereport from earlier. There were some scenes of runs on stores in the U. S. and around the world. They were even showing celebrations.
    “They look like they’re happy.” Jesse said as he watched people hop up and down singing while burning Israeli and U. S. flags.
    “They are Jesse.” said Caleb.
    “But why?” he asked.
    “Because some people hate Israel and Jews. They hate the United States. They basically hate anything and anyone who does not fit into what they want or believe.” I answered, “And some are just brainwashed and do what they are told, like strap on a bomb and blow up people in a coffee shop.”
    I went back to work, they sat and watched.
    Christine was on the phone talking about all that was happening while putting things away.
    It was late afternoon before we had everything squared away. I wanted one more thing so I quickly went to pick up some five gallon buckets and barrels. I had ten five gallon buckets and added another twenty, five gallon buckets with lids and four, forty gallon plastic drums with clamp-on lids. These would be great for water storage.
    Hungry and tired I sat down in the living room with the family. We were stocked up on supplies, had the storage containers in the basement ready to be filled and were starting to develop a plan. In an odd way it all felt good, but I was really hungry.
    “Dinner!” Christine called out just in time.
    “Let’s turn this off and find something to eat.” she said, “As if we don’t have any food in the house.” she added with a chuckle.
    “NO!” the boys cried out as the TV went black.
    “There’s nothing new there that we haven’t seen twice already.” she countered, “Now come and help me with dinner.”
    It was true, there hadn’t been any new news for hours. Most of what was shown was from early this morning and the reporters were saying the same thing, once they had new information or new video they would show it. There just wasn’t any.
    After dinner the boys and I checked the TV for new information one more time while Christine got on the computer and talked

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