access to the stairs, climbing quickly without winding herself; as this would be wholly counter-productive, she listened carefully to where the shots were being fired from. She had guessed roughly the third floor, and was proven right when she heard the shots clearer as she headed down the passage. She stepped carefully, avoiding anything that would bang or fall, and would alert the shooter or shooters. She was pretty sure however that there was only one shooter. The door where she saw the gunshots emanating from was lighting up briefly, and she headed toward the open door, her rifle up and ready. Her finger was already taking up the pressure as she hit the door and took in the scene of the lone gunman, standing with empty bottles of various alcoholic drinks scattered on the floor. He had not noticed Dawson open the door, and was cursing softly to himself. She saw his naked swaying body, realising he was blind drunk as a result of the happenings of the day. She smiled, and made her way up behind him, and promptly hit him with the butt of her rifle; rendering him unconscious. She quickly scanned the apartment, and stuck out a red flag as they had agreed to use as a signal that they were now okay to stop shooting. The sound startled her then, which came from the bedroom just off the space where the unconscious man now lay. Dawson slowly approached the room with the closed door, and could hear muffled cries coming from inside. She carefully opened the door and peeked in quickly to scan for danger, and saw nothing. She did note the rumpled bed and the two tied up girls on the bed. She approached them carefully, and searched the room quickly for any other people, but saw nobody apart from the two girls on the bed. Dawson quickly went to them and untied the one sister then the other. Both of them looked at Dawson, their red eyes told a horrible story. She quickly explained to them that the man had been firing at them from the apartment whilst she and her friends were across the street, getting weapons and ammunition. The girls were scared that Dawson had been in league with the man and that it was all a trick. Dawson went one better and went to fetch the unconscious man; tied him up and sat him in a chair in the living room. Dawson asked the girls to get dressed and they complied happily; glad to see that Dawson had indeed tied him up and they were now safe.
Chapter Nine
The two sisters explained to the rest of the group in the gun shop what had happened to them, how they had been trapped in the apartment by the man who had been threatening to rape them. They lived across the corridor from the older man, and had often noticed the way he had looked at them. He had made lurid sexual comments whenever he could get away with it they explained, and he had once or twice promised them a real good time. Their caution had led to their capture, as they had tried to remain hidden in their apartment, and had tried to stay quiet; he had noticed they had not left for school that morning. That was when he had broken into their apartment; forcibly kidnapped them then had tied them up after removing their clothes. He had sexually assaulted the girls, but had not yet had an opportunity to do anything more than touch and feel them. He had planned to get all 'liquored up' and he would then 'play' with them properly. The saving grace had been the fact that their stash of party drinks was what eventually got him blind drunk. That was the best thing that they had hidden in the apartment, and when he had them finally tied up he had asked them if they had any weed or alcohol; to which they had replied yes. He had questioned them more and how much there was, and they told him that if they gave it to him then he should let them go. However he had reneged on the deal, and had kept them tied up and started his drinking. He had taken a break and had then abused them while they were tied up in the bedroom. They had been there since ten am.
That was