Infected (Book 1): The First Ten Days

Read Infected (Book 1): The First Ten Days for Free Online

Book: Read Infected (Book 1): The First Ten Days for Free Online
Authors: Jack Thomas
Tags: Zombies
the non-infected. If you are reading this then you are not with us heading there. If you didn’t find your own way yet, the neighbor left his collector’s car in his garage so that you can take it. It isn’t locked or anything and you need to crank it to start. He left with his family and told us to inform you about the car so that you can take it. Take it and meet us at the quarantine. We aren’t sure how to get there but we will be escorted by the police department once we all meet at the town boarder. Find a way to get there. It’s about a full day’s drive if you drive straight through the day. I’ll see you there, dude!
    My life might have been saved by my family’s complete attention to detail such as a note with instructions on how to stay alive in the case that I did get left behind which actually turned out to happen. I had to find The Hills which would be no easy task if I didn’t have any knowledge on how to reach it in the first place. I had to locate a road map and build a route out of Springfield that lead to The Hills, as well as a few emergency routes in case some had too many cars blocking the whole road.
    I ravaged through the house and made messes unnoticeable because of the mess already present. I couldn’t find a map. My search proved fruitless; there was nothing of use to be found in the house. My only other option was to search the neighbor’s house till I found a map in it. I went outside and walked across the front yard to the neighbor’s house.
    The darkness outside wasn’t as much of a concern as locating a map in the dark while inside the neighbor’s home. The garage was closed so I couldn’t ready the car first in case I needed a quick getaway. I was going to have to break into the house and work my way to the garage from the inside to reach the keys. Difficulties excluded, I was glad there was a car behind the garage door in wait for me, but the real mystery was in whether there was a road map or not. Just a guess wouldn’t get me anywhere. On that note, I picked up one of the neighbor’s cobble stone decorative rocks and I flung it through their living room window. Loud crashing sounds surrounded the window instantly; the rock shattered it into a million shards and spread out over the rug on the inside. I walked up to the empty window hole and carefully checked for movement of any sort inside the living room. The sound was sure to attract all the infected in the immediate area over. I boosted myself over the hole where the window was before I shattered it and walked into the darkness.
    The lantern’s range was no more than two or three feet. The moonlight shined in through some of the windows, but it wasn’t enough to improve much on what was already visible. I held the baseball bat ready to be swung in one hand and the lantern in the other. I walked as lightly, softly and quietly as I could but sound was unavoidable over wooden floors covered in shards of glass that cracked beneath my shoes with every step I took.
    Most of the homes on the street I lived on were laid out the same on the inside and this home was no different. I knew the basic layout of the house and that included where the kitchen, living room and bedrooms would be located. I needed a quick search and a quicker exit from the house before the infected in the area that heard the window break could get to the house. I searched the living room first, but the lack of light did not make anything easier for me.
    There was one hallway in the living room which I was sure connected to the kitchen. I walked to the end of the hallway and came to a full halt when something roaming up ahead, but once I stopped it became clear it was all in my head, the sound of my clothes ruffling against each other and my footsteps all added to the ambient sound I heard and interpreted at first as movement in the house. My mind played games with me. I started my slow and steady stride down the hallway again. As I turned into the

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