better go before my girl explodes over there. ”
After saying good night, Charles entered the kitchen , still holding Hamlet in his arms, watching Alex busily washing dishes.
“ Ah , that was interesting.” H is eyes piercing her face for any trace of emotion. He wasn’t disappointed.
“For two people that only met yesterday, there is a lot of energy in that back yard . This , my dear, is going to be fun to watch.”
With that and not expecting Alex to respond, Charles gave Alex a big hug .
Alex glanced at Hamlet, happily ensconced in Charles grip.
“ You’re keeping him then?” Alex muttered.
“Yes, I think it is about time Hamlet came to live with me. This back and forth relationship is not good for a dog or me, besides, we suit each other.”
Alex could not even be sad. She had known that this day had been coming since the two met , and she only wanted Hamlet ’ s happiness.
Wrapping both arms around one of Charles’ while squeezing it gently in a hug, she felt grateful for having him as a friend.
“Y ou are a good friend to me , and I love you!”
“I love you too girl, and I want to see you happy. Who knows, maybe happiness is only a gate away.”
Alex feigned irritation , “I will talk to you tomorrow . ” before slamming the front door as Charles stepped out . Alex heard his booming laughter through the door as she walked back to the kitchen smiling .
Working to straighten up the kitchen from her dinner with Charles, she let her mind wander. She saw that both men liked each other instantly, which was rare for Charles. It was rare for her also to have strong feelings toward any man , let al one a physical attraction. Yet even she had to admit that there was something there between her and Seth. I t made her uncomfortable. She had spent her whole life keeping people at a distance . Thrust from foster home to foster home , she learned quickly to survive on her own , to trust no one but herself. She had to deal with physical and mental abuse by her caretakers , eventually getting old enough to dream of a day that she could leave it all behind. Through it all, she wrote . The stories that flowed from her mind and onto blank pages gave her an outlet for the pain that fil led her as a child and then as an adult . Each fantasy put on paper of worlds where the pain would be hea led , and there was always a happily every after . She loved her happy endings , and late at night before she would fa ll to sleep, she would tell her self that she would have her own happy ending. When she graduated from High School , she knew that the day had finally come to start her new beginning. At 18 , she did not hesitate to buy a one - way ticket and walk on to that Greyhound bus heading to Boston . There was no looking back , only forward. It was not easy for Alex , just trying to survive those first months, yet there were no regrets. She was able to get a receptionist job at an up and coming s oftware c ompany in Boston . During her first year, she learned as much as she could , and when the secretarial department had an opening, she was first to be offered the promotion. Once again, striving to learn everything she could , Alex worked hard putting in many long hours. She did not take a lot of time for herself, except for her writing and hiking. On e of her co-workers told her about Breakh eart Reservation . Alex used to love Breakh eart. Not wanting to go there in her head tonight, she pushed aside all thoughts of the Reservation. Thinking again of Charles she smiled. Office Manager by day, theatrical guru by night , he
Newt Gingrich, William Forstchen