In My Arms
do to keep myself off of him too, but I just couldn’t go there—not yet.  I still needed to deal with my own little demons left over from my relationship with Kyle.  It was important to me to see that I was fully capable of standing on my own feet, making my own decisions, and even making my own mistakes.  I didn’t want to drag Trevor through any of that until I was sure.  He didn’t deserve that.
    This friend thing was a good decision, even if my body continued to betray me at every turn. And o h boy did it ever!
    “It’s late Trevor, let’s call it a night.”  I stood and started to pack up.
    “We’re not ready Ava, we still have a handful of things to work through before Monday.”  I could hear the concern in Trevor’s voice.  I knew he was right, but I was drained tonight.  I had nothing left.
    I pulled my hands through my hair, combing through some of the tangles.  “How about we have dinner at your place tomorrow night and work through the rest.  If we need more time still, we can meet up again on Sunday.” 
    “That works.  Come on.  Let’s get you home.”  Trevor and I had started riding together to work.  With us only living blocks away from each other, it didn’t make sense to drive separately when we arrived and left work at the same time. It was kinda fun running out to his car.  It was a great start to the day.
    We locked up the office and headed to the elevator. We had been the last to leave several nights now.
    “Ladies first.”  Trevor smiled as he motioned to me when the doors opened.
    “Oh come on, the only reason ‘Ladies first’ was made is so guys could check out a woman's ass.” I raised my eyebrows at him. He looked me up and down.  Look away Ava!
    “Like I said, ‘ladies first’.”  Trevor laughed as I smacked his hand down when I walked through the doors, shaking my hips a bit more than usual for his benefit.
    I settled into the soft seats of Trevor’s car. If the drive hadn’t been so quick, I’m sure I would have fallen asleep right there in his car.
    “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”  Trevor pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.  It was a gesture he started recently, and although it kind of blurred the lines, it felt nice, so I went with it.
    “Goodnight Trevor.”
    “Goodnight Ava.”
    The half empty cartons of Chinese food littered the coffee table in Trevor’s living room where we had been working for the last three hours, right up until the food showed up.
    Groaning, I lay back flat on the floor and rubbed my tummy.  “I ate too much!”  The couch was suddenly looking pretty appealing to me.  I wanted to just curl up on my side until I digested my dinner.  I crawl over to it and climbed up.
    “Let’s watch a movie.  We’re almost finished with the proposal.  We deserve a break.” Trevor climbed on the couch and pulled my feet onto his lap as he searched through the on demand movies.
    At this point, I honestly could’ve cared less about what movie he chose because Trevor was absentmindedly rubbing my feet as he scrolled through the movies and it felt absolutely amazing! 
    He had respected the lines of friendship that I’d drawn.  Well, kind of. He didn’t pressure me for more than I could give, but damn if I didn’t want to cross those lines often. Stupid lines!  He was a very hard person to resist. Put aside the fact that his body looked like a Greek God that was chiseled out of stone, he was just genuinely a good person. 
    I watched the way he interacted with people at work.  He gave everyone his undivided attention whenever they talked.  He would listen to Gail in the lunch room go on and on about her grandchildren and laugh at the silly things they would do.  He brought Chelsea a coffee every morning as well as me, double shot caramel macchiato—which he learned was my favorite without asking, and he was a riot to watch with his friends.
    He was the same man with all of us, never feeling

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