In My Arms
them to come back.  It seemed like they couldn’t help but be at each other’s throats.  It was actually quite comical.
     “I may be wrong, but you ain't right.”  We heard Nick tell Talia as they sat down.
    “I am right.”
    “How do you figure?”
    “Because….I have a vagina.”  Talia stated confidently as she finished off her drink.
    “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”  Nick asked.
    “It means that I would know better than you if they were real or not.  You think with the wrong head, and girls like that depend on that.”  Talia shrugged, looking bored. “Plus, I’m a nurse.  I know the human body better than you.”
    It didn’t take long for us to figure out what they were talking about as a blonde with huge fake boobs walked by our table, clearly flirting with Nick.  We all busted out laughing at him.  
    “Are you sure?”  Nick asked after she passed and we started laughing again.
    “It doesn’t matter.” Nick jumped up to follow the blonde just as Tom came back with drinks.
    “Here Talia, Cosmo right?”  Tom set the drink in front of her as he sat down.
    “Thank you Tom, that was very nice of you.”  Talia smiled as she took a sip of her new drink.
    “Want to dance Talia?”  Tom asked.
    “Sure!”  She was up and back on the dance floor with Tom following behind her.
    “She’s a trip.”  I chuckled, shaking my head.
    “Yeah, she is.”  Ava agreed. “She has been like that for as long as I’ve known her, but as wild and crazy as she is, she is loyal to a fault.  She is the closest thing I have to a sister.”  Ava smiled sweetly, and my opinion just rose for Talia.  If she was good to Ava, she was fine in my book.
    The night flew by.  Before I knew it we were at the front of the club saying our goodbyes.  Nick had decided to go home with the blonde.  Some things never change . Tom gave Talia a hug and thanked her for dancing with him all night, and I gave Ava another one of my all—too—platonic hugs.
    “Call me when you get home so I know you are safe.”  I asked her as she and Talia climbed in her car.
    Twenty minutes later my phone rang.
    “Hi.” I smiled to myself, feeling excited to hear her voice again.  I was a so pathetic.
    “I’m home.  Thanks for a fun night.”
    “You’re welcome.  Goodnight Ava.”
    “Goodnight Trevor.”

Chapter 6
    The next two weeks were filled with late nights at work for Trevor and I as we finalized our proposal for the Daniel’s night clubs.  We had focused on certain aspects of the clubs that would really appeal to younger professional women.
    One thing I liked about the clubs was how professional the staff was dressed.  I know guys like the idea of a scantily clad bartender showing off her cleavage as she’s serving up drinks, but women don’t, and without women, a club is just a testosterone gathering.
    The lighting is very important too.  It might seem minor to most men, but women want to look their best at all times, and harsh overhead or fluorescent lighting that is popular in most clubs can wash out even the most attractive woman. The lighting at the Daniel’s Clubs was LED light and sconces on the walls. You look your best with lighting coming from the sides.  
    “I guess I never thought about that.” Trevor was going over my lists of appeals to women.
    “Exactly!  That’s why I’m here.  To see beyond the bartender in the bikini.”  I sipped my coffee as we continued to work across from each other.
    “Hey Ava? Have you ever thought of being a bartender?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
    “Uh no Trevor.” I giggled.  I loved that he could make me laugh!
    I leaned back in my chair, stretching my arms up over my head.  These late nights were beginning to wear on me.  When I looked back down I locked eyes with Trevor.  I saw something there that he was usually very careful to mask.  Desire. Oh my!
    It was obvious that he was attracted to me—hell—it was all I could

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