In Death 15 - Purity in Death

Read In Death 15 - Purity in Death for Free Online

Book: Read In Death 15 - Purity in Death for Free Online
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it. I don't want to lose my badge."
    "You're not going to lose your badge. Report to Testing, Officer Trueheart." She got to her feet. "And show them what you're made of."
    She put in another nagging call to Morris, then decided to swing into EDD before she nabbed Peabody and headed to the morgue.
    EDD always baffled her. How anybody got anything done when they were all pacing around talking on headsets or burrowed in cubes arguing with computers was beyond her.
    And they rarely dressed like cops. McNab, the skinny fashion plate who was currently engaged in activities on and off shift with Peabody that Eve didn't like to think about, might have been the most outrageous of the bunch. But he didn't win by much.
    She retreated as quickly as possible into Feeney's dull, workingman's office.
    His door was open. He rarely shut it, even when he was, as now, scouring a subordinate over some screw-up.
    "You think the units in here are for your amusement and entertainment, Halloway? You figure you can kick back and play a little Space Crusader on the taxpayers' nickel?"
    "No, sir, Captain, I wasn't-"
    "This department isn't your frigging toy box."
    "Captain, it was my lunch break and-"
    "You got time for lunch?" Feeney's basset hound face registered shock, amazement, and a secret joy. "Well, that's fascinating, Halloway. I can promise you for the next little while lunch breaks are going to be a fond, fond memory. You may not have noticed, since you've been so busy saving the virtual universe while you tuck into a sandwich, but we're jammed in here. Crime's soaring like the temps out there, and we, being duly sworn servants of the law, have to buckle our asses in and save the city before we move on to space and goddamn alien invaders. I want a report on the Dubreck hacker on my desk in thirty."
    Halloway seemed to shrink inside his lime green jumpsuit. "Yes, sir."
    "When you're done with that you hook up with Silby on the 'links from the Stewart break-in. And when you're done with that, I'll let you know. Scram."
    Halloway scrammed, flicking one mortified glance at Eve as he scrambled out and back toward his cube.
    "Does the heart good," Feeney said with a sigh, "to peel the skin off a skinny butt in the morning. What's up with you?"
    "What was his score on Crusader?"
    "Got up to fifty-six mil on Commando level." Feeney sniffed. "Damn near nipped my record and that's been standing for three years, four months, and twenty-two days. Little putz."
    She strolled in, sat on the corner of his desk, and copped a handful of the candied almonds he kept in a bowl. "You hear about Trueheart?"
    "No. Been buried." His baggy face creased with concern. "What?"
    She told him, leaving out nothing as they both munched on nuts. Feeney dragged a hand through his explosion of ginger hair. "Gonna be tough on him."
    "Builds fucking character," she muttered. "He's giving it to me straight, Feeney. Kid would sooner swallow a live rat than lie to me. But it doesn't hold up. I brought Cogburn's data and communication center in. I was hoping you could bump it up to priority. Look, I know you're swamped," she added before he could speak. "But I want all the ammunition I can get for this. And there's something on there. I know there is. This Purity business smells bad."
    "Can't give you McNab. Already got him juggling. Halloway," he said and brightened. "I just don't think that boy has enough to do. I'll put him on it. A little overtime should be good for him."
    "And help protect your high score."
    "Goes without saying." But the humor on his face faded quickly. "IAB's going to take some hard shoves at that kid."
    "I know it. I'm going to see if I can deflect a few of them." She pushed off the desk. "I'm going to go harass Morris. If my hunch holds up, Trueheart's off the sharpest hook."

Chapter 3
    When Eve swung back into Homicide to snap up Peabody, several of the detectives in the bullpen sent meaningful looks her way.
    "Rat in the hole," Baxter commented as

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