
Read Impossible for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Impossible for Free Online
Authors: Komal Lewis
At first, everything had seemed fine until Ashton spilt the coffee on her. Seriously, what had she done to deserve this humiliation? This time Ash had gone too far.
    “Here, take this,” I said pulling off my shirt and handing it to her. “I have a spare one in my car.”
    Elly sniffed and gingerly took my shirt. It would be too big for her, but it was a better alternative than the stained top she had on. “Thanks so much, Luca.”
    “Hey, why don’t you get outta here, get yourself cleaned up,” I suggested gently. Elly nodded and gave me a small smile before heading towards the restrooms.
    I turned back to glare at Ashton, not caring that I didn’t have a shirt on. I’d been working out a lot lately and I knew my body looked good. Judging from the way Ash’s eyes were fixated on the center of my chest, I could tell she had noticed, and it pleased me that she couldn’t take her eyes off me, like she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
    Still, that didn’t change how mad I was at her. “I hope you’re proud of yourself, Ashton. Are you really that pathetic that you have to pick on other people to make yourself feel better? You’re all shades of fucked up, you know that?”
    Ashton snapped out of staring at my chest and looked up with angry blue eyes. “Don’t talk to me like you’re better than me.”
    “Then don’t act like your shit don’t stink. You’re not perfect, you’re not even close. You think everyone else is beneath you when, really, you’re the one who’s not good enough. Why don’t you take your daddy issues and go see a therapist? But stop picking on other people to make yourself feel better about your own crap life.”
    Ash’s nostrils flared and she opened her mouth to say something, but Kance spoke instead. “That’s coming from the guy who was so messed up after his dad died that the only way he could deal with it was by dressing up like an emo and cutting himself.” She took a step towards me and sneered.
    Behind her, Ash turned pale and I knew that Kance’s words had gotten to her too. No matter how much she tried to hate me, she would always love my dad. I waited for her to speak up, but she was such a fucking coward, all she did was stand there looking pathetic.
    “Just because I dress like this doesn’t mean I’m an emo, and it doesn’t mean I cut myself.”
    One of the guys, Oliver Carson, stood up and joined Kance. I knew him as the quarterback of the football team and one of the jerks who used to push me around a couple years ago. “You’re a freak of nature. She’s just saying it how it is.”
    I stared him down, a vein throbbing in my neck. “Then that must make you a dumb jock.”
    I knew I shouldn’t have said it, but I was so angry at them that the words fell out of my mouth before I could stop myself. The dickhead had it coming to him. He’d slammed me into walls, let the air out of the wheels on my bike, and pushed me around for years. It only stopped once I’d muscled up and started standing up for myself. What did he know about me? What did he know about my dad? Absolutely nothing.
    Oliver growled and lurched forward, fists raised and aimed for my face, but he stopped suddenly. Looking around, I saw that Ashton had grabbed onto him and was pulling him back. He stared at her in surprise, like he couldn’t believe what she was doing. “Don’t stop me, Ashton. He called me dumb. I’m gonna beat him until he can’t stand straight.”
    “He’s not worth it,” Ash said, her eyes pleading. “You’re gonna get kicked off the team if Coach finds out you got into a fight.”
    Oliver’s body slackened and his eyes darted from Ash to me as his tiny brain processed her words. Finally, he backed away from me and grabbed his bag. He shot me one final look before storming off across the courtyard, his friends following after him like mindless zombies.
    Once he was gone, I turned back and caught Ash’s eye.
    “Ash, your mom would be so ashamed of you

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