candidate or not?” asked Troop.
    “ No. I withdraw her name,”
said Mason.
    “ Any other nominees? No?
Alright, send me your votes.”
    Troop waited for a minute then checked his
instafication. Scrolling through his inbox, he ignored the fifteen
instafications from Jennifer and opened up the instafications
containing the votes.

chapter six
    [ Kristi ]
    Someone was breathing
heavily into Kristi’s left ear. She slowly peeled opened her eyes and turned her head towards the source
of the sound. Amber eyes locked onto her gaze. Before she could
make a sound of alarm though, someone shoved a hand into her mouth.
She bit down hard and drew blood. A girl’s voice swore in the
    “ I’ll really appreciate it
if you would stop chomping my hand off my arm,” the girl’s voice
whispered. “Just don’t scream or else we’re both done
    The hand extracted itself from Kristi’s
mouth and she spat out blood. The metallic, salty taste lingered in
the back of her mouth.
    A solar lamp flickered on and shed some
light in the darkness. Kristi squinted to make out the person in
front of her. A girl about Kristi’s age held the lamp above her
head and the droid-leopard Kristi saw earlier stood beside her.
    “ Who are you?” Kristi
    “ Chelsa. Chelsa Bright. We
can talk more once I get you out of here.”
    Chelsa removed a knife from her boots and
swiftly cut the ropes Wilson used to secure Kristi with. Kristi let
out a small gasp of pain as the blood rushed back to her
    Chelsa grasped one of Kristi’s swollen hands
and silently led her out of the warehouse, relocking the latch on
the door after they passed through. Kristi ran behind Chelsa, not
knowing where they were headed. The droid-leopard loped gracefully
besides them.
    The once-familiar streets became an alien
landscape at night; Kristi had never ventured outside after curfew.
The whole experience was rather dreamlike. Acquainted statues of
the city’s founder turned into unrecognizable figures, waiting for
the right moment to spring into action.
    Chelsa threaded her way through the maze of
streets with confidence, often doubling back as if to shake off any
pursuers. She slowed to a walk and Kristi recognized where they
were: the alley where all the trouble started.
    Chelsa placed her hand over the indented
brick. As soon as the gap appeared, she stepped through the
opening, motioning for Kristi to follow. Chelsa unlocked the
padlocked door at the back of the room with an old fashioned key.
It was the same door Kristi had tried to open earlier.
    “ After you.” Chelsa
gestured for Kristi to pass through the door before her.
    So she did, with Chelsa and her droid-pet
trailing behind her. Chelsa flicked on a switch and five muted
bulbs lit up the room they were in.
    It was a modest, little room, with few
pieces of furniture scattered about. In one corner was a bed with a
quilt neatly folded on it; in another corner were a desk and chair.
An old—but clean—rug rested in the center of the wooden floored
room. Last but not least, a wardrobe squatted beside the bed.
    “ Welcome to my humble
home,” Chelsa said, dropping onto the bed. She waved for Kristi to
sit on the wheelie chair tucked beneath the battered
    “ Thanks for rescuing me.
My name’s Kristi Shea.”
    “ Any time. After all, how
could I let someone like you get hurt? You’re too much like
    “ Too much like you?”
Kristi asked.
    Chelsa explained, “We’re both not
    Kristi momentarily lost the ability to
speak. She had lived her whole life believing she was the only
living Accident in the world. Her brain tried to process what
Chelsa said, but couldn’t seem to quite grasp the words.
    “ Yeah, I know how you
feel,” Chelsa said, petting the leopard. “I was beyond shocked when
I saw you leaving the hidden room. To get into

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