I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!)

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Book: Read I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) for Free Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
floor. He remembered nothing, but this was not his finest hour, that much he knew.

    Chapter Three
    Westin Resort – Grand Cayman – a few days later
    “The bay has been searched. The reef has been searched. No remains have been found.” Roscoe reported to Jacob. “I suggest we move our focus on shore.” Representatives from the family, hired search teams, volunteer efforts and island authorities were all meeting in a conference room at the Westin hotel.
    “How’s Libby?” Bowie Travis asked. He’d arrived, not too long after the family, and had been busy directing a team of local divers called Blue Hope.
    “She’s in our room. The physician was concerned the stress might cause problems with her pregnancy. He gave her something to make her rest.” By way of explanation, Jacob offered. “We couldn’t get her to return to the honeymoon suite. I’ve had her things moved in with me and Jessie.”
    “Understandable.” Roscoe nodded.
    “What do you think happened?” Jacob couldn’t help but ask. Aron was young, strong...he just couldn’t make sense of it.
    “Right now, we just don’t know.” Roscoe looked out the window at the blue Caribbean Sea. “Believe me, I’m struggling with it, too. But we can’t assume anything.”
    “I agree. Something about this doesn’t seem right.” As Jacob watched the wave’s crash on the shore, a chill passed over him. “Aron,” he whispered. “Don’t give up. We’ll find you.”
    At ABC Hospital – Mexico City 
    The Diosa paced in the waiting room. Two of her bodyguards stood at the door. They were armed to the teeth, but no one would know by looking at them. Alessandra sat by the window, leafing through a magazine. She looked more like a model than anyone Martina knew. She was willowy, delicate and graceful beyond compare. At four years younger, she was the pet of the family, yet her personality remained unspoiled and giving. There was nothing Martina would not do for her sister. Nothing.
    Her uncle, Esteban, had been notified of Martina’s decision to take a risk by bringing a true outsider into their midst. He had strong opinions, most of them negative, and Martina knew he was correct. Their whole operation was, in many ways, a house of cards. They depended on loyalty, luck and courage. Not only were the competing cartels out to take them down, now there was a renegade politician, the new Mexican District Attorney who was making loud noises about eradicating narco land. It was getting harder and harder to make a decent, illegal living anymore. Her thought made her smile. Sometimes Martina wished she led a normal life—home, husband, family, fixing meals and changing diapers. But the notion didn’t last long. She was different. She was her grandfather’s daughter. Her only weaknesses were Alessandra and Aron. And now was her chance to bring Aron into her life, an unexpected opportunity. Of course, much of her plan depended on the outcome of this operation and what Aron remembered when he awoke.
    “You’re going to wear a hole in the tile,” her sister commented quietly.
    Martina glanced up. “He is undergoing a serious operation. There was a lot of swelling and his skull was fractured. Whatever blow to the head he received, almost killed him.”
    Alessandra threw down the magazine and stared out at the lights of the city. “I love this place, but I could never live here. Can you imagine? A population of twenty million and an area of five hundred square miles, just the idea of it all makes me shiver. I prefer living in the country. Brock says Wyoming is beautiful, I want to go there someday.”
    Martina didn’t answer. Brock was beneath her notice.
    “You’re counting on Aron having permanent amnesia, aren’t you?” 
    Ignoring her implication, Martina continued speaking in generalities. “Juan conferred with Dr. Connery. He is the best. All of this is being done in secret. After he has recuperated sufficiently, we will

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