If You Dare

Read If You Dare for Free Online

Book: Read If You Dare for Free Online
Authors: Liz Lee
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic
    He could definitely give her hot. They’d been shooting sparks all night. No telling what kind of fires they’d start as soon as everyone left.
    Yep, he’d always been the master of borrowing trouble, and this was definitely not the borrowing trouble kind of problem.  
    This was the up-all-night-if-the-house-is-a-rockin’ kind of problem. The perfect kind of problem for a man like him to have. Because he was positive he’d be very, very good at solving it.
    He tossed the trash in the trashcan and smiled a slow smile as Cordelia looked his way. Yep. He was definitely going to enjoy solving this problem. Starting now.

    Cordelia watched Joe heading her way, and if she didn’t know better she’d say the temperature shot up about ten degrees in two seconds.
    Oh Lord. This was it.
    Suddenly she didn’t feel all that sexy or victorious.
    She just felt. Period.
    She could hear her heartbeat in her ears. Swore she could feel the blood pumping through her veins. Could almost taste the touch of his lips on hers.
    And he was still standing a few feet away looking incredibly sexy with his bare chest, damp hair and water darkened swim trunks.
    Looking like a man on a mission and that mission was her. Oh man.
    And then he was there, and suddenly every ounce of uncertainty vanished. Every bit of fear that she couldn’t do this.
    Because the man standing beside her was absolutely interested in taking this to the next level. He wanted her. She could tell by the look in his eyes, by the way his pulse was beating right there in his neck, by the way the hair on her arms was standing on end just from a look.
    He tilted his head to the side as he ran one finger down her arm raising chill bumps in its wake. “I’ve wanted to touch you all night.”
    Oh me too, me too, me too.
    Cordelia gulped down her thoughts. “And yet you didn’t once everyone showed up. Well, other than to dunk me.”
    “Did you want me to?”
    I want you to touch me with a heck of a lot more than a finger on my arms! Cordelia shivered and licked her lips as he ran his finger down her other arm. “I don’t think it matters.”
    She stepped closer to him, feeling his wet suit against her bare skin, smelling the chlorine in his hair and thinking it was quite possibly the sexiest scent she could imagine.  
    A single droplet of water from his hair fell against her face as she worked her hands up his shoulders. “I think what matters is here and now.”
    And then she was done waiting. By God, if she was going to play the bad girl she was going to do it right.
    She felt the lightning strike of heat as she stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his. Felt the world close in again leaving only them, only now as his mouth opened under her searing kiss.
    She felt completely liberated as her tongue touched his in a dance of its own making.
    And when she heard his groan of pleasure, she wanted to jump for joy. But she settled for trailing her hand down his bare chest.
    This was so much better than she’d dared to imagine.
    She could barely believe it, and then she didn’t care because he was done letting her have all the fun.
    He pulled her closer, pressed her against his erection, let her feel the heat of it against the coldness of his wet trunks.  
    Completely at odds with the frenzied feeling of their kiss, his soft fingers drew lazy circles on her bare back. Up and down and around as he slowly walked her across the concrete in an erotic dance set to their own music all while never ending the kiss.
    She wanted his hands everywhere, not just on her back. She wanted her hands everywhere, her lips everywhere. But the sweet taste of their kiss was too enticing, too intoxicating to pull away.
    At least it was until she felt the cold plastic of a lounge chair against her calves.
    Slowly he lowered his mouth to her neck. She heard the gentle whirring of the pool filter and strangely it seemed to pump to an erotic beat just for them.
    She felt his cool, damp hair

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