I wore the Red Suit

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Book: Read I wore the Red Suit for Free Online
Authors: Jack Pulliam
Four years old in a light-blue dress and a snow white ruffled apron. She came up to me and asked if I would watch her play the violin in a small concert in the next few minutes. The stage was around the central stairs and out of my view. Since there was no line waiting to see Santa now, which was rare, and I needed to stretch my legs I went over and joined the many people standing there to listen to the concert. I asked the woman running the program if I were a distraction standing there at the back watching the children play their violins? She said “no, the children would actually like it.” Kelly was there in the middle playing with twelve other children, ages 4 to 10. As they were playing, Kelly would stop and wave at me. The crowd thought it was great. Kelly ran up to me after the mini-concert and asked how she did? Even though I could not tell her violin playing from the eleven others on the stage, I smiled and said her playing sounded like angels singing.

    Does anyone out there really like spiders? Here is a good story. I asked this little five year old girl what she wanted for Christmas. She told me all the normal things she wanted, like new dresses for her princess doll, and a bike. Then as a final thought, she added, “Tarantula!” I thought she was referring to a toy. “No,” she says, after I ask her did she mean a toy spider. "I want a real tarantula, with eight legs and everything." I look at the parents and they both nod, with concern clearly on their faces. The mother actually shivered from the thought of it. An older sister maybe seven years old nods her head also. I look into the soft blue eyes of a little girl with brown hair and shake my head. "Do you really want a bug for Christmas?" Mind you, I was used to talking to little children. The sister comes up to me and pulls me closer so she could be heard over the din of other children waiting in line. “It is not a bug,” she says, "It's an Arachnid!"

    “What do you want for Christmas little one?” “Santa, I would like is world peace, the end of people being hungry, no more wars, and a truck; a red one.” While waiting for the next child in line, a little girl with her hair all-windblown walks around my chair and looks at the back of my head. She then comes around, stands in front of me, and says. “Santa you have long hair like me. Will you tie my hair for me?” She hands me a hair tie and turns around. I went one-step further; I braided her long hair.
      “Now young sir, what do you want for Christmas?“
    “Can you bring me weapons Santa?”
    “Weapons” I ask?”
    “Yeah weapons, you know guns, knives, bombs. Real ones!”
    “I am sorry; I just have toys that I bring for Christmas, not real weapons.”
    “Well, where is the Santa that has real weapons? Will he be here later?”
    “There is no Santa or Santa’s helper that would have what you asked for. Real guns and knives hurt people, do want that?”
    “Yeah, that is what I want!”
    Trying to change the subject I say, “how about if I just bring you some nice surprises.”
    “I guess that will be ok,” he says. He walked away a little glum. I wonder if he was watching the wrong TV show or movie.
    I managed to talk with the parents afterwards and let them know their child's unhealthy request. They said they knew, and where trying to help him correct his view on life.
    “How about a new sister” one girl asks while standing in front of me? “My sister Melissa takes my toys, so I want a new baby sister who will not take my toys and break them.”
    That is a different request I think to myself. “I am sure that she does not break your things on purpose. How old is your little sister?”
    “She is almost two years old, and her name is Jenny.”
    “Since you are the big sister, can you talk to her about being careful with your things? She might be old enough to understand. Besides, you may get a new baby sister, or brother who could do the same thing. Would it not be

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