I wore the Red Suit

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Book: Read I wore the Red Suit for Free Online
Authors: Jack Pulliam
requests and wishes. Oh sure, there are still the GI Joes, Barbie’s, Fire trucks and the like. Nevertheless, growing is the number of the new breed, of I want. A young man not quite twenty years old asked if I would let my staff take a picture of me choking him for laughs. I told him that I did not portray Santa Claus as a bully or an evil man. I told him to sit up straight and smile into the camera. He actually got mad and left. Sometimes children who appear on my knees with endless lists that include the latest, most expensive toys. I watch as their parents, standing off to the side, violently shaking their heads no. Not long ago, a boy asked me for only one thing. He wanted a pair of sneakers that actually fit, and not his brother’s hand-me-downs. Therefore, I devised a tale about a naughty elf that slowed toy production at the North Pole. This tale was for those children burdening their parents requesting a gift clearly beyond their family’s price range.

    A little girl with sad red eyes, as if she had been crying for days, said that all she wanted was for her parents back together. Her mother forced a smile, but I could tell she was feeling her daughter’s pain of the divorce. “Please Santa” she asks. "Will you make my mommy and daddy love each other like they did before?" Taking her little hands in mine, I tell her. "Santa can't bring two people together; my Christmas magic won't work that way. However, I could pray for your parents and for you if you like. Nevertheless, you must remember that your parents love you very much.” “Thank you Santa,” she says while hugging my face, “I knew you would help.”

    Another young girl, I believe about age eleven came to me with this request. “My aunt died yesterday” she said. “I know that you can do some magic. Can you have her spirit visit my house on Christmas Eve? She was my favorite aunt, and I used to see her everyday. Now I miss her.” “I am sorry honey,” I say trying to hide the tremble in my voice. “Only God can command the spirits. That is something neither magic, or I can do. However, what I would be happy to do is pray to Jesus for you. I will pray that he will tell your aunt what your Christmas wish is. In addition, you do not always have to come to me. Did you know that you could pray to him too?” “Thank you Santa,” she says, “I will.” One lad told me that his parents told him that Santa was allergic to swearing. He goes on to say, “if you were to hear me swearing, you would not come to my house; is that true.” I told him, not so much allergic as swearing from such a nice young man would leave a bad impression on those around you. He vowed to refrain from using profanity in the future. I see parents are still making Santa the big stick. How about those children who tell Santa “I have been bad this year and am probably on your naughty list. If I promise to be good next year, would you still bring me something this year?”

              Sometimes I reach my tolerance limit with people; not too often and never in front of any children. Once an adult male about twenty-three years old comes over and sits on my knee. I get wary of people like this. Most times, they are ok. Nevertheless, occasionally I get a nut case. At first, all he wanted was his picture taken with Santa as a goof to show his two friends that were watching.
    So as per my character I say. “What do you want for Christmas?”
    “Drugs,” he says!
    “Drugs?” I answer back. “Come now young man, be serious, what would you like? There are many children waiting.”
    “I am serious Claus Man. I need drugs.”
    “That is not good for you, and I only do toys.”
    Toys--you mean paraphernalia?”
    “No you idiot, toys, like trucks, blocks, dollies. You are done here; now move along,” as I hurry him away from the little kids. He and his friends went away laughing. I guess it takes all kinds in this world.

              Then, there was Kelly.

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