I Spy a Naughty Game
oversexed, and full of their own power. That’s what we’ll use to our advantage, combined with your skills in changing our appearance.”
    “My illusions are designed to blend agents into the background,” she pointed out. “When we’re actually in the club mingling with these people, fading into the walls won’t exactly be our goal.”
    “True, but that’s only part of the time. We’ll do some field surveillance as well, so your talents won’t be wasted.” Blaze gave her a thorough once-over, making it clear he wasn’t just referring to her skills in the area of makeup artistry.
    Damn the man—the double entendre tightened her nipples and made her grow uncomfortably warm between her thighs. That he could affect her this way in a room full of her colleagues was as disturbing as it was arousing, and it left her scrambling for a response.
    Michael saved her the trouble. “Let’s meet back here in twenty-four hours. Know the men in these files forward and backward, and we’ll plan the rest of our timeline from there.”
    At the clear dismissal, Emma filed out after Willis and Ozzie, determined to catch her friend and give him hell for throwing her under the bus. Her plans were thwarted by her ex-lover, however, who gently grasped her arm.
    “Hold up, tiger. We have a file to memorize, and I’m hungry. Let’s pick up some dinner and go back to my place—kill two birds, so to speak.”
    Bracing herself mentally, she turned to face him and barely restrained a grimace at the sight of the small bandage gracing his temple that she’d ignored during their meeting. The patch of white gauze served as an unwelcome reminder of just how close he’d come to having his brains splattered all over the Tennessee countryside. She squirmed under his golden gaze, struggling to keep her composure.
    “I don’t think going to your place is a good idea. We can grab something from the cafeteria here and study in my office.”
    He made a face. “All night? Because that’s what we’re facing if we hope to have the info in that file down pat by tomorrow. No, I’d rather be home where we can get comfortable, or even at your place. Anywhere but here.”
    Well, she didn’t really want to stay at the compound, either. It was putting herself in an intimate situation with her ex, which she had qualms about. Which was ridiculous now that she thought of it, since she was going to have to get real intimate with the man again, very soon.
    “My house it is, then,” she said. Better the illusion of control, even if it was only that. She was damned good at illusion, after all.
    “I’ll drive.” His grin sent a thrill up her spine.
    “I’ve got my car.”
    “I’ll bring you back tomorrow, honey. No worries.”
    “Should you even be behind the wheel? I heard you’re still having headaches.”
    “McKay says they’ll last a few days and then fade. Nothing I can’t handle.”
    She sighed. Really, arguing with the man was like pulling hen’s teeth—impossible. “Fine.”
    Irked, she did her best to ignore him as he followed her while she locked her office and classroom. But it didn’t work. His presence was like a beacon of light on a bug zapper, with herself starring as the bug. Why the hell couldn’t she stay away from something she knew would only gain her more heartbreak?
    Shouldering her purse, she trailed him across the parking lot, unable to stop herself from sneaking peeks at his ass. And what a fine ass it was, high and tight, hugged to mouth-watering perfection in those jeans, the denim faded in all the right places. She remembered well the smooth tanned globes hidden underneath the material, the way they fit her palms just so as he drove himself—
    She blinked at him. “What?”
    “Um, the car is unlocked, darlin’.”
    So it was. Somehow they’d reached his vehicle, and he was smirking at her across the roof from the driver’s side, waiting for her to come back from dreamland. Her face heated,

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