I Spy a Dark Obsession
Bastian confused him more than ever. What the hell was going on with his libido lately?
    And now? He was running.
    Tonight, he planned to escape his staid life for a few hours. He needed to be touched. He yearned for soft feminine lips and hot bodies. To grind them against his to the beat of raunchy, driving rock music.
    For the first time in months, he needed to feel alive.
    He knew just the place. Daddy’s Money catered to a twentysomething crowd, though there were plenty of men in their late thirties, like him, who frequented the club, looking for easy action. Lots of girls went for older guys, and with any luck, tonight would be no exception.
    Fortunately, he found a parking spot a couple of rows from the entrance, parked, and got out, ready to lose himself in fun. He wasn’t an old man yet and refused to live like one any longer. Though the pistol tucked into one boot and the knife in the other would help ensure that he got old to relive his adventures.
    Lessons learned, and all that.
    Inside, he was met by a pulsing heavy-metal riff and strobe lights breaking up the darkness. Bodies writhed to the beat, people smiling, laughing. Some hung at the bar, trying to shoot the shit above the noise, maybe find some willing company. Every one of them looked to be having a good time.
    He headed to the bar first, waded in, and ordered a scotch on the rocks. Leaning against the bar, he sipped his drink and watched the crowd, trying not to appear too eager. Or desperate. Neither of which would get him laid. The trick was to appear coolly interested but approachable, and he was out of practice.
    His first nibble came within minutes. A woman in her late twenties or thereabouts sidled up to the bar next to him, “accidentally” brushing his arm with an ample breast.
    “Oh, excuse me!” she called over the music.
    “No problem.”
    “Damn, it’s crowded tonight, huh?”
    “Sure is.”
    Fanning herself, she gave him a conspiratorial smile. “Makes me claustrophobic. I’d like to find someplace to chill with less people around, you know?”
    He did. The girl was ready, willing, and had her sights set on him. Unfortunately, she had a face like a horse and the teeth to match. He didn’t wish to be unkind, but he had to nip her advance in the bud. “Good luck with that.”
    His tone was definite but polite, and, thankfully, she was intelligent. With a nod, she moved off to greener pastures. Any pasture but his was fine by him.
    And so it went for the next forty minutes. Michael drinking scotch and making polite small talk, fending off three more advances. He wasn’t picky, but none of them were quite right.
    She’s drunk.
    She laughs like Woody Woodpecker.
    Her breasts are plastic, and so is her face.
    Maybe the alcohol would make them more attractive as the night went on. And he was more tired than he’d ever admit if Bastian were here to hound him. Maybe he should go home. He was just finishing his second drink when his luck turned for the better. Two gorgeous twentysomething brunettes bounced to a stop in front of him, beaming.
    “Hi!” one chirped. “Want to dance? We’ve sort of been—”
    “—watching you and you looked lonely so—”
    “—we thought we’d ask!”
    Gazing from one striking face to the other, his jaw dropped in astonishment. The women were identical, except that the first one who’d spoken had salon-perfect red highlights in her long, chocolate brown mane. Blue eyes twinkled at him mischievously.
    Twins! Oh, my fucking God, yes!
    At long last, Michael must have been a really good boy to have earned an evening of being a really, really bad one. He gave them his most charming smile and held out both arms for the girls to take. “I’m Michael, and I’d love to dance with you lovely ladies.”
    “I’m Jeri,” the first one said. “And this is my sister, Jackie.”
    “Our dad was convinced we were going to be boys!”
    Michael’s brows rose. “Missed that one by a continent.”

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